Symbolism and meaning of the lizard (+totem, spirit and omens) – – Spirituality Blog

One of the creatures common to man is the lizard. We have become so familiar with this creature that we do not see the power in the lizard. Because we see it every day or occasionally, we have become so accustomed to this creature. However, the lizard is a powerful animal, which transmits many spiritual messages to us.

I have decided to help you get out of this ignorance. I was once like you until I decided to embrace the importance of the lizard. The moment I opened my heart to the lizard, I began to see massive changes in my life. It is your time to become a person changed by the power of the lizard.

To achieve this, you have to know the symbolism of a lizard. This is the first step to fully understanding the lizard’s message to us.

Symbolism and meaning of the lizard

Some species of lizards are capable of sacrificing part of their tail. When the lizard is trapped or threatened by a predator, its tail falls off allowing the lizard to escape the threat. This symbolically links the lizard to the idea of ​​sacrificing a part for the good of the whole.

Lizards and humans have had a close relationship since time immemorial. Some species of lizards are kept as pets, including lizards, iguanas, and bearded dragons. This is part of why so many cultures give so much meaning to the lizard.

Lizard symbolism plays an important role in different cultures. For this reason, lizards are present in countless human works of art.

The lizard hibernates during winters and awakens again in spring. This symbolizes resurrection and rebirth.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the lizard symbol represented abundant abundance.

A lizard in one’s home is often considered to represent an old friend or acquaintance.

In some Hindu superstitions, the singing of lizards is considered auspicious or sacred.

Lizards have even made their way to Shakespeare. In Macbeth, the witches boil a magical brew using “lizard’s foot” as an ingredient.

The Italian word for lizard is “lucertola,” which means “bright light.” As mentioned above, the lizard can symbolize light and magic.

lizard on a leaf

What Does It Mean If You See A Lizard In Real Life Or In A Dream?

If you see a lizard in real life, or especially if you see it in a dream, it can have many different meanings.

To interpret the message, you must think about the specific circumstances of what you saw. So, but by searching within yourself and using your intuition, you will be able to figure out how what you saw relates to you and what the message means.

These are some of the most common meanings of seeing a lizard.

1. See a lizard in your house

Many people in Mediterranean countries believe that having a house lizard in your home brings good luck, so if you are lucky enough to have a house lizard or another type of lizard that sheds, it could portend good fortune.

House lizards are often welcome animals as they are harmless and can help keep mosquitoes under control. In some countries, such as Türkiye, it is considered bad luck to kill one.

2. Dreaming about a Lizard

There are many possible interpretations of a lizard in your dream, but one of the most common is that it represents change. It could predict a change in your life, but it could also be telling you that, like a lizard that sheds its skin, you need a change too.

Is there anything in your life that feels old and stale? Are you thinking about changing something important but hesitant to do it?

In that case, the message could be telling you to be confident and make that change because now is the right time to do it.

Another possibility if the lizard does not move is that the dream is telling you to be more patient. Is there something in your life that you are rushing into? So this dream may be telling you to take your time.

3. Dreaming about Attacking a Lizard

If you dream that you are attacking a lizard, the meaning is easier to understand because the lizard represents adversity, and the dream is about overcoming it.

Are you facing a particular challenge in your life right now? So this dream tells you that you should have full confidence because in the end you will win.

4. Dreaming about being attacked by a lizard

Dreaming about being attacked by a lizard, on the other hand, has a different meaning. This dream is a warning that someone is plotting against you, so you should be on your guard and be careful who you trust.

5. Dreaming about Defeating a Lizard

A dream about defeating a lizard represents you overcoming your instincts and lower animal self and using your emotion and intelligence instead.

This dream could be telling you that you need to reflect and think deeply to resolve a challenge or resolve a dispute.

6. Dreaming of a Huge Lizard

If you dream of a huge lizard, this represents an obstacle blocking your path, and you will have to find a way to overcome it. However, by identifying the obstacle, you will be able to find a way to overcome it if you use your intelligence.

7. Dreaming about hunting a lizard

If you catch a lizard in your dream, it may mean that you will be lucky in love. If you are single, it could mean that you will meet someone soon, but if you are already interested in someone, it could mean that you will be successful and your love will be reciprocated.

However, if you try to catch a lizard and fail, it may mean that the object of your affections will always remain out of reach.

This is a less welcome dream because it is one of unrequited love. However, it can be seen in a positive way as it is a message to stop wasting your time on someone who will never love you.

8. Dreaming about eating a lizard

If you dream that you are eating a lizard, you are very lucky because this means that a great opportunity is about to present itself to you. It means you have to be ready to grab it with both hands, or the opportunity may pass you by.

9. Dreaming about a lizard devouring its prey

This dream is probably telling you that the most primitive part of your nature is gaining ground and you are being governed by your most basic instincts.

If this is the case, you should use your heart and intelligence more in your decisions, as well as in your relationships with other people.

Whenever the lizard appears on our path, it is a symbol that we have undergone a great transformation, or that we are undergoing a great transformation now. This is a general symbol, and you should take note of this.

Lizard Native American Symbolism

Lizard symbolism is very prominent in several Native American cultures. For the Anasazi, Hohokam, Mimbres and Mogollon Native American cultures, the horned lizard was a common artistic motif. Images of the horned lizard commonly appeared on decorated pottery.

In many tribes, including the Hopi, the lizard was associated with sacred medicine and powerful healing energies.

The symbolism of the lizard is usually linked to strength; both physical and spiritual. The Piman people appealed to the powerful healing power of the lizard to “cure” themselves from persistent illnesses. The cures were performed by singing songs in praise of the spirit of the lizard and also by placing a lizard on the patient’s body.

In mythology, the Mayan lizard god was believed to have created the Earth. The Mayans connected lizards with cosmic power beyond the confines of time and space.

In many Native American traditions, lizards were connected to dreams and prophecies. In some of these traditions, the lizard is associated with Dreamtime and intuitive psychic abilities.

The Native American lizard symbol often represents change, cycles, duality and mystery. Lizard icons also represented subtlety, sensitivity, psychic abilities, intuition and quickness.

Because lizards often use stealth to catch their prey, the lizard may also be related to patience, camouflage, and hidden danger.

Some lizards, such as the spiny-tailed iguana, were also sacrificed in some Mayan rituals and therefore had special meaning through these rituals.

Eastern lizard symbolism

In Chinese culture, lizards, crocodiles, alligators and other reptiles are associated with the powerful symbolism of dragons. In the plains of northern China, where rain is very important for crops and also quite scarce, people pray to the rain lizard deities.

Already in the 6th century BC. C., people celebrated rain rituals using icons and images of lizards followed by a procession of dancers.

As part of rainmaking rituals, people placed water lizards in wooden jars. This connected lizards to alligators, which in turn were linked to rain gods. Then ten children incessantly hit the jars for days and nights with green bamboo sticks until it rained.

The elegant and sinuous lizard is considered an erotic animal and therefore a symbol of sexual activity in Japan. The elegant shape of the lizard seems to justify its use in the small-scale applied arts of Japan.

Lizards are also symbols of love in the East. Used in the imagery of netsukes, or intricately shaped wooden objects or objects, the lizard is an amulet that provokes love.

In ancient times, people distilled love potions from lizards because of the lizard’s symbolic association with love. This drink was also sold in pharmacies in small clay pots with the dosage marked on the pot.

Lizard Symbolism in Christianity

The spiritual meaning of the lizard in the Bible is generally unclean. Biblical traditions often associate reptiles with sin, deceit, and impurity. Although Polynesians and Maori associated lizards with God, early Christianity associated the lizard with the devil.

Lizards of various kinds abound in Egypt, Palestine, and Arabia; some of these are mentioned in the Bible under various Hebrew names.

The Hebrew word for lizard means ‘things that crawl on the ground’. In Leviticus it is said that the Israelites considered them unclean.

Lizards are mentioned in Proverbs 30:24 as one of the four things on earth that are small but extremely wise. In this proverb it is said that the lizard can be caught with the hand but it is found in the king’s palaces.

The wisdom of the lizard in this passage is a fascinating departure from the negative connotation that reptiles largely have in Christian symbolism. The lizard is wise because he can go unnoticed in the palaces and listen to the plans the king makes. This little creature represents the wisdom of subtlety. Tiny but powerful, the lizard can survive even in places where other creatures cannot. The…