Meanings of purple candles: 8 benefits of lighting purple candles – – Spirituality Blog

Candlelight shines brighter on the darkest days. But there is more to the candle than just prayers and beliefs. Historically, candles have been used for magic by witches. But in modern times, candles are lit for spiritual purposes.

But candle magic isn’t just about spells and saying mantras. Candle magic is also associated with choosing the right color of candle.

Different colors are selected for various purposes. Each color will radiate a different frequency That will help your magic be more effective. There is something known as chromotherapy which is a technique that uses colors to heal people.

Likewise, different colored candles will have different implications that will help you with your candle magic. Many candle colors range from white, yellow, red, brown and green. However, the color purple is very magical but creative. Now we will find out the essence behind the purple candle and how one can benefit from the magic of the purple candle.

What is the spiritual meaning of a purple candle?

The color violet represents royalty and symbolizes the mythical arts in history. Light a purple candle usually means you want to generate energy within your third eye and enhance your psychic power.

Purple candles are a great choice if you want to use them for your divine meditation practice, spiritual ceremony, or magic spell ritual.

Typically, a purple candle is used for a psychic reading that will help you gain spiritual guidance and fill your core with spiritual energies that will assist you during your divine ritual.

dark purple candle

Even purple candles have different shades that are used for different purposes. Dark purple or indigo candles They are used to predict the future or by clairvoyants. Lighting a dark purple candle will help you achieve your dreams and lead you to success.

If you are an ambitious person struggling to face certain obstacles in life, lighting a dark purple candle will help you face your fears head-on. Lastly, the magic of dark purple candles will stimulate the third eye and help you raise the energy levels in your sixth chakra.

Light purple candle

Purple or light purple candles They are used by those who wish to be more compassionate. Lighting a purple candle will turn on a light within you and connect you to your higher consciousness.

A purple candle will stimulate your crown chakra and raise your energy levels to help you access the spiritual realm.

7 Day Purple Candle Meaning

A 7 day candle is a tall candle that will stay lit for as long as week to help you with your magic candle. A 7 day purple candle is usually lit to enhance your psychic abilities, divine powers and spiritual wisdom.

A 7 day purple candle is used to reverse a spell and banish any negative energy surrounding your core. Light a 7 day candle It will also help you heal and push you towards spiritual awakening..

8 benefits of lighting purple candles

1. Provides divine protection

While performing a seance, also known as a ritual that connects you with the spirits of your deceased loved ones, purple candles are used along with white candles.

purple candles will provide divine protection against evil spirits that could hinder your spiritual connection or even hold on to your soul. Purple itself is an angelic color whose candle is used for spiritual protection from negative energies.

2. Help with vision quests

A vision quest is used by those who want to interact with or meet that guardian spirit that protects them.

If you are on a vision quest to connect with your spirit guide, then lighting a purple candle can help you in more ways than you imagine. This may be part of the cultural gathering or even a personal quest that might be underway.

Since purple candles are known to stimulate a spiritual awakening within you, they can help you in your vision quest. Lighting a purple candle will give you the energy to connect with your spirit guide.

In case you end up connecting with your guardian spirit, then you might be in for a little surprise. Spirit guides usually appear in the form of animals. Guardian spirits take on an animal personality that is visible throughout their connection over time.

3. Build a gateway

The purple candle acts as a gateway to the spiritual realm and helps you connect with your spirit guide in times of need.

During your spiritual journey, you can find different spirit guides who will help you along your journey.

Some of the guardian spirits are specialized in certain areas and help you during the fight of your life. As a result, lighting a purple candle will help you contact your guardian spirit with more ease and stability.

4. Spiritual healing

TO the purple candle can heal you through various spiritual energies. Lighting a purple candle will enhance your divine abilities. This will allow spiritual energy to heal your center. Purple is a magnificent color that is linked to various religious beliefs.

As a result, lighting a purple candle generates powerful spiritual energies. This will enhance the healing process during the ritual.

5. Awaken the Third Chakra

According to Hindu mythology, your body consists of eight chakras. Of these, the seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head.

The crown chakra highlights a violet or purple energy.

The crown chakra is known by its name, Gate to the Almighty. This is mainly because through your third eye you can obtain enlightenment. You can connect with your higher self. So, lighting a purple candle will help you awaken your crown chakra and achieve nirvana.

6. Ritual Assistance

Many people light candles while performing rituals or during their prayers for progress. Purple candles also serve a similar purpose.

While doing some spiritual work or performing a divine ritual, Lighting a purple candle will help you progress on your spiritual path.

The purple candle contains a powerful energy that multiplies over time with the progression of the ritual. The enhanced energy is reflected in the spiritual flame that melts through your purple candle during candle magic.

7. Various magic spells

Candles of different colors are used during various magic spells. Lighting a purple candle is well known for using a spell that eliminates insomnia to awaken your spiritual core.

There is a prominent purple candle spell called ambition or power spell. The ambition spell helps you achieve your ambitions and gain power in your life’s journey.

You must burn purple candles in Wednesday to reap benefits. Wednesday represents the color purple. and therefore, lighting a candle on this day is very useful.

8. Akashic Records and Astral Projections

Many people want to reach an advanced stage in their spiritual journey that helps them achieve enlightenment and wisdom. These people also wish to have a spiritual awakening that allows them to access the Akashic Records. (universal event log). Lighting purple candles helps you read the Akashic records through advanced spiritual progression.

The color purple symbolizes divine energy that can help you during your rituals. Lighting a purple candle will also help you during your astral projection.

During your astral projection, your soul leaves your body behind to travel the universe. Lighting a purple candle will help you reach a higher spiritual plane that acts as a base for astral projection.

Purple candles in the signs of the zodiac

In addition to this, the color purple stands out among the signs of the zodiac. If you are a person who believes in divine astrology, purple lighting could benefit you if you belong to a particular zodiac sign. Shades of purple are represented between four different zodiac signs, such as:

  1. Sagittarius – Represented by an archer and ruled under the planet Jupiter.
  2. Pisces – Represented by two fish and ruled under the planet Neptune.
  3. Aquarium – Represented by a water bearer and ruled under the planet Uranus.
  4. lion- Represented by a lion and ruled under the sun

Lastly, here are some of the useful tips that can help you during your purple candle magic:

  • Light a purple candle during the night of the new moon to attract divine energy for spiritual awakening.
  • To reduce any negative energy, you can light a purple candle on a full moon.
  • Make sure you never leave any candles unattended as they could set your room or house on fire.
  • Magic is powerful and can be overwhelming at first. However, you must understand that the universe will make some changes in your life and put you on the right path.

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