Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up at 3 AM: What Happens at 3 AM in the Bible? – – Spirituality Blog

Sometimes you may wake up early around 3 am to go to the bathroom, and it happens more often with people. It becomes a particular moment in which the body gets used to it and you will automatically wake up to go to the bathroom.

Not everyone can resist waking up at 3 am, some people just need more sleep for their body to function normally, but some can get by with less sleep. In most cases, the need to sleep more or less is hereditary.

One can also train their body to sleep less, but it is not an easy job to do. An average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. One can cut back and do it for 6 to 7 hours, but not less than that. Some people even sleep during 4-5 hours. That’s not what everyone can handle.

What is the biblical meaning of wake up at 3 AM?

There are several possible meanings and reasons. Take a look at the most common ones, according to the bible and the spiritual world:

  • If you wake up at 3:00 am, then you must use the time you get correctly. This is the time when you need to think about your life goal. Right now, everything is silent, so your guardian angel could be with you, trying to convey some message to you.
  • You have to be calm and think about it and understand what you have to do to achieve what you want. Waking up at 3 am is not typical for people. People who usually get up early at 3 am are more productive because they have much more time than other people. And this time is different from all the time you have throughout the day and night.
  • So calm down and try to pray to God to help you move forward on the right path. Spiritual energies are mainly active at this time, so your brain also works more efficiently.
  • You have to write down the ideas that come to mind because your mind works without any interruption or disturbance at this moment.
  • If you recently started wake up at 3 am, then there could be some spiritual power trying to communicate with you, focus and try to listen to that message. They could be some of your loved ones from heaven.

What does the number 3 mean in the Bible?

The number 3 has a lot of meaning in the Bible. Jesus Christ was crucified at 3 in the afternoon. Johnas was in the stomach of a whale for 3 days. The Christian doctrine of the trinity also represents 3, (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) three forms uniformly.

According to the Bible, if you have time, pray to God, let him know about your illnesses.

However, he is the supreme being, so he already knows all your problems, but you must have faith in him, so you must be dedicated and show him that you admire him.

You can pray to save yourself from evil spirit, bless you with constructive thoughts. God is omnipresent, and you just need to show him that you believe in him.

Why does God wake you up at 3 am?

  • When you wake up at 3 amit is a message from God for you “so that you wake up from your dream and pursue your dreams”. If you have been thinking a lot recently about your life, about your dream or about what you want to achieve in your life, then it could be a message from your guardian angel that it is not an easy path that he has chosen. You have to work hard for your dream. This could also be a symbol of spiritual change in your personality, and you should be ready for the change.
  • Could be a sign of enlightenment. Refresh your thoughts, be dedicated and you will be sure to succeed. God is always with you. If you wake up early at 3 am, you will get a clear view of spirituality and your thought process will also change.
  • It is also a sign that a baby is coming. If you are pregnant and close to your due date, you can expect a new life to come into this world.

Should I be worry?

No, you really shouldn’t worry about that because it’s not a bad thing. If you wake up at 3 am, you also consider yourself lucky. Really, It is the best time to be productive.

If you want to work on something that needs focus or needs your mind to stabilize, then this time is the best. Mainly because there are no disturbances or noises around you, your mind gets the right environment to function at its full potential.

Even if you are not a morning person and have started waking up early, like 3 am, you don’t have to worry about it. You can use time for your good.

Instead, you should be happy about it. Think about the work you need to complete throughout the day. If you have any exams coming up, then this time could be the best time to prepare. You will be able to remember much more efficiently than at any other time of the day.

And if you are one of them who needs more sleep, if your body is not functioning normally, if you wake up early, then you might go back to sleep and wake up after a couple of hours. And if you really want to get up early but your body won’t resist, then don’t force your body to do it suddenly.

It will affect your health and can cause illness. You have to train your body for that, try to put your body in the shape of waking up slowly, only then you can make it a habit and take advantage of the time.

Because the 3:00 a.m Are they important in the spiritual world and in the Bible?

Jesus Christ was crucified at 3 p.m. (afternoon), and it is said that the atmosphere changed as if it were 3 am. 3 am is also considered the witching hour.

At this time, the subconscious mind works more efficiently and connects you with the spiritual beings around you.

That is why it is said that the dream you see just before waking up or in the early hours of the morning becomes reality. In reality, the spiritual beings or energies around you act with your subconscious mind and you get a glimpse in the form of a dream.

Should I do something to protect myself?

You don’t need to do anything. You just have to think about using your time in the best possible way. You must have heard “Time and Tide wait for none”, time is as valuable as anything else. If you value time, then time will value you.

So, there is nothing to protect, and you have to get all the devastating thoughts out of your mind, calm down, free your mind, and then focus on your work. You are already under the protection of the supreme being, so you don’t need to worry about it. Plan your goal and it will help you execute it.


You don’t have to think about anything negative. If you wake up at 3 am, you should also go to bed early at night.

Otherwise, That would terribly affect your health. Have faith in God, and the almighty will always be with you.

You have to choose the right path and focus on your goal. Improve your self-esteem. Have confidence in yourself. Keep in mind that getting up early is an excellent habit. Going to bed early and getting up early keeps your health balanced. If you have work late at night, then you are an exception.

What do you think about the biblical meaning of waking up at 3 am? When do you go to bed and when do you get up? Let us know in the comments section below.

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