Spiritual meaning of smelling smoke: cigarette, candle or firewood – – Spirituality Blog

Smelling like smoke could remind you of a loved one who used to smoke, an important incident for you that involved smoke, or any type of emotional event. Smell is a great way to create a spark and activate your emotional feelings. When we smell something, we think about it and imagine it in our minds.

If you don’t have any physical sources of smoke around you, there is definitely a spiritual meaning to consider. Smell triggers our instinct too quickly.

A person remembers many different olfactory fragrances throughout his life without forgetting, and this is because the smell is directly connected to the limbic system of the human brain.

There are several ways that spiritual beings are trying to connect with us. One of them could be because of smell. It could also be any of your loved ones trying to make you remember an event. It could also be your guardian angel trying to remind you about someone or some event related to smoke.

Before continuing, I would like to talk to you about the disease called ”phantosmia.” It is a disease that causes odor even when there is nothing.

It can be a pleasant or unpleasant smell. If this happens to you continuously, then you should not ignore it. You should definitely consult a doctor first and confirm whether there is any disease or not.

What is the spiritual meaning of smelling smoke?

When you smell smoke without any physical source, try to remember where you smelled the same thing before, if a person or event comes to mind.

It could be your guardian angel trying to tell you something you need to finish, get the upper hand that is still incomplete. It could be any of your loved ones in heaven trying to tell you something or complete something that hasn’t been done for them.

You should also try to find out if it is a warning so that you are aware of any person or situation that you remember could happen again.

Your guardian angel could be trying to warn you about a specific person who could cause you trouble in the near future, so you need to remember your past and act accordingly.

It could also be an alert about some incident from your past that involved smoke, the spirits could be trying to give you a clue and be aware of any mishaps that may occur again.

Another thing is that if you can actually smell smoke without any of its physical sources around you, your subconscious mind might be more capable than others of connecting with the spiritual world.

There are many ways your mind could connect with the spiritual world. Not all people always get signs from spiritual beings. Some people have clairaudiencewhich means they can hear inaudible things, that other people can’t hear.

Likewise, people whose minds are more spiritually active, can connect with the spirit world and receive messages from spiritual beings.

There are various beliefs around the world that view smoke from a spiritual perspective and have different meanings depending on their tradition.

Now let’s talk about some types of cigarettes and their spiritual meaning:

Cigarette smoke

Do you know the spiritual meaning of smelling cigarette smoke?

Yeah you smell cigarette smoke even when no one around is smoking, then it could be the effect of the spiritual energy around you. It may be one of your loved ones who have already gone to their heavenly board and are trying to reach you or remind you of them.

You need to remember the person close to you who used to smoke too. It could also be your guardian angel trying to warn you about a person who smokes. It could also be an awareness from your guardian angel about any events you need to be aware of and you would recognize it by the smoke.

Sometimes there comes a time when one feels unmotivated or depressed for some reason, at that time you smell like smoke without any physical source of smoke around you then you can consider that it is either one of your loved ones from heaven or your angel from heaven. Keep in mind that he is trying to support you in your solidarity.

Therefore, you should try to feel the presence of spiritual energy and try to communicate with them if you wish. That would help you a lot in your loneliness.

wood smoke

Firewood smokes when burned, usually during the bonfire or during cooking or even heating. Apart from this, wood also smokes when there is a disaster like a forest fire.

If it smells like wood smoke, then there is It could also be wood burning somewhere around. In fact, especially moister wood produces more smoke.

The smell of wood smoke could refer to a happy time for ahead you can expect something good to happen, whether in your personal life or your professional life.

Just like wood has always been of great help to humanity, similarly, you could get help from anyone, so you just need to deserve it. Burning wood not only has its good side, it also refers to disasters.

Therefore, smelling like wood smoke could also spell disaster in your life. There could be some mishap in your life, or anyone could take revenge on you. You have to evaluate the situation and your feelings to know the meaning of the smoke you smell.

candle smoke

Candles are not just used to produce light, people have used them for numerous reasons. Candles are mainly used for religious purposes, they have a lot of connection with spirituality.

They are even used to connect with the supreme being. Generally, candles do not produce smoke, they do but it is insignificant.

If you really smell candle smoke while there is no physical source around you, then there may be solid spiritual energy around you. To smell candle smoke, one must be a truly spiritual person. Candle smoke could mean good luck, good health, prosperity, enlightenment and manifestation.

When you smell candle smoke, you can expect peace in your life. This means that God has been watching you, you have the blessing of your loved ones, and you are being guided by your guardian angel. You just need to keep faith in God and be determined towards your goal.

unknown smoke

An unknown smoke can be anything you don’t recognize, or perhaps have forgotten, so pay attention to it and try to recognize it.

I may have some connection with you., and you just need to find out. Unknown smoke could also be a sign that something bad is about to happen in your life. Something you are not aware of could put you in trouble or make things worse for you.

Whatever you feel at that moment is the most important thing when it comes to the spiritual meaning of them occurring. Spirits cannot connect with you directly, so they try to talk to you in signs. They know when you feel what you really feel, so they communicate to you based on your feelings.

Should I be worried about the smell of smoke in the spirit world?

There is no such thing as worry but, yes, when you smell smoke without a physical source around you, it is obviously the effect of the spiritual world, and you just need to accept the meaning and act accordingly.

The spiritual world never wants evil for you, but always tries to warn you about the obstacles you will face.

You just have to be on your own path, determined towards your goal with faith in God. You should not lose your self-esteem. So, you have to stay safe. When you have confidence in yourself, you already have an advantage in any situation.

When you smell smoke of any kind, just think about your feelings, search your memories for any connections. You will surely find what the spirits are trying to convey to you. The spiritual world is always positive. So there is nothing to worry about.


Achieving your life’s ambition should be the only thing you should worry about. The spiritual world is always there to show you the right path when you are confused.


What do you think about the spiritual meaning of smelling cigarette, candle, or wood smoke? Let us know in the comments below!

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