Sniper movies you must see, and suffer!

The sniper movies They are spectacular because they are loaded with action, emotions and facts that make our hearts race a thousand times.

Many film directors have ventured into these themes that are really impressive. These sniper films turn out to be very exciting and suitable for a friends plan with pizza, popcorn and a good beer. Surely your tastes are linked to these films and the options are innumerable so sit down and enjoy a sniper movie.

In case you want to know which are the best movies of all time or some good recommendations of the action genre with snipers as protagonists, then this article interests you:

Sniper Movies on Netflix

One of the most famous tapes in history is known as American Sniper. Bradley Cooper stars as a US Navy sniper who has an unprecedented record for casualties in Iraq. What he doesn’t expect is that his family life gets complicated and messes with his head.

iraq sniper movies

One of those movies that didn’t have much of a lobby but is really good is The Wall. It narrates a duel in the middle of the desert between an American sniper and an Iraqi one. This confrontation will reveal that war is not a game and that death can haunt a soldier at all times.

It also vibrates with…

World War II sniper movies

Enemy at the Gates It is a film that takes place in this difficult moment for the world. Jude Law stars in the story of a battle between 2 infallible snipers, the Soviet Vassili Zaitsev and the German Erwin Konig. This duel is exciting and will make you want to get on the screen to experience the climate of destruction

Sniper Movies on Amazon Prime

Who said that only men could embody these characters? The Sniper is a thriller that shows the war breaks out in 1941 and in which Lyudmila joins the Army. She turns out to be an excellent sniper and her skills will make her stand out, although her injury will force her to leave the war and return to the US.

Do you have another sniper movie that you want to recommend to the Vibra community? Leave it in a comment and remember that we also want to show you the best scary movies to watch and suffer in good company.

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