Easy and great homemade Colombian lunch recipes

There are easy colombian homemade lunch recipes that can be prepared in the blink of an eye. With them, you will conquer the hearts of all your guests.

Coffee gastronomy turns out to be very varied and exquisite. Not only are Colombians still surprised by the flavors of their land, but visitors to the country get a great impression with the different preparations they can try in each region. The best of all is that in Colombia you can eat well. cute and cheap no matter you go to restaurants or cook at home.

With us you will learn how to make catfish in sauce and also, the most exquisite homemade preparations to enjoy a lunch as God intended:

Easy Colombian Homemade Lunch Recipes

Let’s start with this review of the richest Colombian preparations. Take paper and pencil so you don’t miss a single detail:


This popular soup in various regions of the country is very delicious and worth trying if you are a foreigner. Its content of fresh vegetables together with the tripe, form a very native gastronomic experience and that is essential to have a full-fledged lunch:

Here we show you how to make tripe, a Colombian recipe to pamper the soul.


The tradition of beans is kept alive and in places like Antioquia and the Coffee Zone, its preparation is very common. Letting yourself be seduced by a plate of well-loaded beans is quite an experience and the truth is that if you are in Colombia and have not eaten this delicacy, we see you badly!

We teach you here how to make Colombian beans.

Pork chop

Cali and Valle del Cauca enjoy being creators of this preparation in which pork is breaded. It does not matter if you like strong flavors or fried foods, this dish combines it all because it is a real pleasure at the table during a family lunch.

Here you find how to make pork chops.

Easy and delicious Colombian homemade lunch recipes

All Colombian food deserves an applause and these dishes that we review below, an important honorable mention:

Seafood casserole

The gastronomy of the Pacific and Caribbean coasts are champions. One of those delicious recipes and that some even claim to be an aphrodisiac, is this. Shrimp, fish and clams are part of a dish that is consumed in any house and is representative of the country.

Here you will find how to make seafood casserole.

stuck rice

Connoisseurs of national cuisine know that this is a dish that meets all expectations. This festival of flavors that includes meat, chorizo, eggs and all kinds of seasonings to improve its already exquisite flavor, is one of the signs that here you eat well from morning to night.

Learn here how to make sticky rice with a quick, delicious and powerful recipe.

You can not imagine the number of easy recipes we have for you. You just have to choose the one you like the most and prepare it right away. Share them on social networks!