10 topics to talk about with your partner at a distance…

Are you running out of Topics to talk to your partner at a distance? Don’t let the flame go out, we help you…

Platonic love (that is, the one in which there is no physical contact) is very difficult to carry, especially in the era in which we live, when it is normal for couples to eat once before recess.

That is why when we have a love relationship with someone who is far away or we cannot see often, it can get cold very quickly.

And this is serious, because no matter how much love and friendship there is, let us remember that specialists in therapy and psychology assure that intimacy is like the glue that holds a couple together.

10 spicy topics to talk with your partner at a distance

If you are having a hard time keeping the flame alive because your love is far away, although you have managed to make it work, it is because you feel that the sexual part is going out.

That is why we share some ideas to light that little flame and keep it lit until they can see each other again and demonstrate in person all the passion they feel each other.

Be careful, you can use these ideas through text messages in an online chat, in a video call or even the classic phone call.

«I have a problem, I became addicted to your body.»

Then you can tell him that fortunately there is a remedy and that it is him. You’ll see how it goes.

«Last night I dreamed about you, do you want me to tell you?»

If you had a wet dream with your partner, don’t miss the opportunity to share it with him, and if it hasn’t happened to you, make it up! The intention is what counts.

«If you could do anything you wanted to me right now, what would you do to me?»

With this phrase you not only stimulate his mind but also encourage him to use his words, something that will benefit both of them, since sometimes they are shy.

«I’m wearing underwear for the first time, do you want to see it?»

Just the thought of seeing you wearing some translucent lace garment will make his desire to see you explode in his pants.

«Just so you know, when we meet again, I won’t be wearing any underwear.»

This will make him feel like he’s worth the wait, plus you’ll set your expectations very high for the reunion.

«I miss your taste.»

Men love to have their ego boosted, and there’s nothing like insinuating to them that some part of their body is the object of our desire.

«I’m sorry to tell you everything I want to do to you when we meet again.»

These types of phrases are like a long or medium-term deposit: the sowings in the distance and the harvests in person.

«I’m playing with myself, do you want to know what exactly I’m doing?»

For them, the idea of ​​us girls giving each other pleasure is super exciting, so don’t hesitate to use this secret weapon to your advantage.

«I can’t stop thinking about what you did to me last time.»

And don’t tell him what, let him begin to speculate himself, to remember everything they did.

“Choose a place on your body where you want me to put my tongue.”

We don’t have to tell you the effect these words can have on your boy, you already know that!

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