What is a myth for third graders | 👁

Myths are stories about supernatural beings, such as gods or beings of colossal confusion, which were used to argue or equate certain facts or phenomena. On the other hand, legends are tales of spectacular or imaginary events framed in a precise historical moment.

The investigations indicate that positive emotions also fulfill a sequence of essential functions for human development. If the bad intentions left our survival, the positive ones took us to the point where we are.

Helps to open our minds, enables education, encourages us to communicate with others, optimizes our intellectual aptitude, encourages us to achieve missions, helps us solve problems and offers us strength to combat adversity and evil.

Peculiarities of short myths

  • Location. Events often take place in strange places.
  • Time. The events have the possibility of happening before the appearance of people or at the moment in which they now existed, but they are never located in historical time.
  • individuals. They have the possibility of being gods, demigods, people and supernatural beings. In many of these narratives, the individuals are heroes.
  • Fountain. They are anonymous narrations, which were transmitted from generation to generation and some became written content, for example, Ovid’s Metamorphoses is an article that shows various Roman myths.
  • Topics. These narratives are explanations of multiple themes, so there are many themes, for example, the cosmos, elements of nature, fights, life and death, heroic deeds, adventures, and city foundations.
  • Purpose. The goal is to argue the reason for certain events, the presence of different things, practices and rites or to be useful for consolation in the face of unanswered problems or in the face of unfavorable occasions.
  • Narration. It is very common that in different written contents the myths do not appear fully told, since most of the crowd of the society where the myth was produced now knew the story.
  1. Romulus and Remus (roman myth)

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Myths Specifications

Myths are part of the system of opinions of a people or culture and are stories or tales of opinions that colloquially seek to detail the origin and reason for each and every thing.

The myth then forms mythologies and this is positioned outside of historical time. There are many different mythologies for each culture.

What is the function of the myth?

The myths issue a non-explicit teaching to the new generations.

Myths have the function of offering a narrative form to the way in which ethnic groups understand themselves, the cosmos and define what is good and what is not. This form tends to be entertaining, easy to remember, with a logic of cause and effect.