What is the alum stone for, so you should use it!

If you want to know What is the alum stone for? and all the uses that you can give it, you are in the right place, here we tell you about it in a simple way!

When it comes to talking about popular culture, all kinds of elements that would have healing powers for all kinds of ills come to the fore. That is the case of the traditional alum stone that would help in areas such as cosmetics and the elimination of bacteria in the body.

We want to tell you what the vaporub is for and the main uses of the alum stone so that you can try it:

What is alum stone?

The alum stone is a mineral with endless natural properties that bring many benefits to the skin. That is why we want to tell you exactly what you can do with this prieda to take advantage of all its uses.

Your biggest benefits

The benefits of the alum stone are that it is an astringent, and not only that, it also serves as an antiseptic, antibacterial and hypoallergenic. That is why many people use it as a deodorant, as it prevents bad odors and the formation of bacteria. And the best thing is that it allows the skin to perspire and since it is a transparent color when applied, it does not damage clothes.

However, that is not the only function that alum stone fulfills, as it is also widely used to heal wounds. Its success is due to the large amount of aluminum and potassium it contains, which helps to recover tissues and even reduce inflammation.

What is the alum stone used for in the armpits?

Normally, it is used to prepare a natural deodorant. Thanks to its antiseptic, astringent and antiperspirant properties, they manage to eliminate microorganisms and/or bacteria that create dry skin. Also, it would be very useful to prevent sweating and bad odor in both men and women.

Its use on the face

What is the alum stone for on the face? Well, it would be very useful to treat acne problems. Since it reduces the appearance of open pores, inflammation and damage that can occur on the skin. Its properties eliminate impurities and also help to give more tone to the face.

What is the alum stone used for in the intimate part?

This stone, as we have already told you, has antiseptic properties. What is believed is that this helps to firm the walls of the vagina, providing a feeling of tightening in the area and causing an effect of greater pleasure when having sex.

However, it is important to clarify that the use of the stone can cause problems for vaginal health, since it alters the PH of the intimate area and therefore women could be more exposed to infections by bacteria or viruses.

What is the alum stone for in women

Alum skin can help fade reddish stretch marks and reduce the relief of white stretch marks. The only thing you have to do is during the bath, apply a little liquid soap where you have the stretch marks and then rub with alum stone salts making circular movements. Do not forget that after bathing and having dry skin, you should apply your moisturizer. You can do these massages 2 to 3 times a week to notice the results.

What heals the alum stone?

In addition to being an excellent natural deodorant, alum stone is used to heal wounds, prevent inflammation and irritation, and also to care for the skin after an insect bite.

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