How much does a Carrefour Argentina supermarket cashier earn | 👁

How does the Cashier Operator salary at Carrefour compare with the base salary range for this position? The average salary of a cashier is $100,000 per month in Argentina, a much higher 5% than Carrefour’s average salary of $95,166 per month for this job.

Carrefour tellers can expect to earn a median hourly wage of €9.19 per hour, or €19,000 per year. This amount is slightly below the average for each and every worker in the retail field, whose average annual salary is €11.67 an hour, or €24,000 per year. People who live in big cities can expect to earn much more than people who live in other parts of the country, since life value is much higher in big cities.

The average annual salary of a Carrefour cashier is 19,000 euros per year. This is a part-time job, as most store cashiers work between 20 and 35 hours per week. Full-time cashiers earn €49,000 per year. Carrefour ATMs also have the possibility of receiving benefits such as a health plan, paid pathology leave and paid vacations.

Caixa do Carrefour Spain: Competitive salary.

The Carrefour Spain cashier is a key position in the retail field. This profession provides applicants with a competitive salary and a dynamic work environment. Carrefour Spain works throughout Spain and has well over 2,500 stores, which means that there is no shortage of opportunities for those who wish to become cashiers.

Carrefour Spain ATMs play an essential role in the development of customer purchases of the service. Tellers need to process payments efficiently, ensure payment security, and provide first-class customer service. Cashiers must be able to work within the legal framework and comply with the rules established by Carrefour for dealing with service customers.

What is the salary of a self-service cashier?

Warehouse/Cashier Salary

The Commercial Cashier course is aimed at each and every one of the people who wish to fulfill themselves and thrive as causes of the exact processing of routine financial transfers in commercial establishments.

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How much does a storekeeper earn in Carrefour 2021?

Inventory manager salaries at Carrefour can range from $88 to $159,430 per month.

How much does a used Carrefour earn in Spain?