The crucifix ring became the symbol of a season and the most belligerent jewel of the last decade of the century. Plaintiff and with a very strong connotative charge. It was claimed that wearing an earring in the left lobe was for gays and in the right for heterosexuals.
The symbology of the crosses has an ancestral origin that is very difficult to detect in time. What we understand for sure is that we are talking about a symbology typical of different ideologies and religions, with which the way in which the crosses are expressed changes according to the purpose, purpose or belief. And it happens that, although the crosses have different meanings, the most widespread is undoubtedly that of religion, and in it we can find different types:
- Jerusalem Cross: this cross is also called the Cross of the Crusades, since it is made up of a Greek cross that is surrounded by 4 other crosses in parallel. This heraldic cross is a symbol of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, since the five crosses that make it up have their origin in the five wounds of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
When you wear an earring in your left ear, you will be misrepresented, even as the earrings point to your actual sexual priority. But as he navigates this tough world, keep your head up, be bold and accessorize with style. The crowd will get used to it after a while, and it will be your identity, and the best part is that no one will bother you much anymore.
What does it mean to wear a hanging cross?
The ring with a crucifix became the symbol of a season and the most belligerent jewel of the last decade of the century. Plaintiff and with a very strong connotative charge. It was claimed that wearing an earring in the left lobe was for gays and in the right for heterosexuals.
Hello everyone. I suspect that it means that, at a particular moment, an individual chose to do something or made a resolution that had a convenient result, that is, something fortuitous, for example: Fortunately, personal reasons forced me to cancel the trip , due to the fact that otherwise he would have found himself in the middle of a war.
What does it mean to have an earring in the left ear?
The ring with a crucifix became the symbol of a season and the most combative jewel of the last decade of the century. Plaintiff and with a very strong connotative charge. It was claimed that wearing an earring in the left lobe was for gays and in the right lobe for heterosexuals.
- What does it mean to put an earring in the left ear?: These earrings were not put on in any way, but kept a certain order, to understand: earring in the left ear: Horn cover; ring to the right: Cape of Good Promise; 2 attentive in the left ear and one in the right ear: around the planet.
tragus piercing
This piercing is on the opposite side of the tragus, exactly in the small cartilage that is in the upper lobe. It is very original and unprecedented, but it is one of the most excruciating when drilling. All MUMIT piercings can be used for this type of piercing, just keep in mind that you can order a longer rod and always a threaded nut in the special ordering options on our website. .
It is the most trending piercing and our favorite. It is in the region of the outer crease of the ear, which is why it is so original. You can add as many helix piercings as your ear will allow, for example 2 in a row is a winning combination. This piercing is the most versatile since it admits both button and ring attachments, in addition to this, at MUMIT we guarantee the option of enlarging the button so that it fits perfectly in this region.