The land in bed is related to internal confrontations, so you have to try to resolve them as best you can, since these confrontations have the possibility of harming your personality and your self-esteem, causing mood swings and emotions, which can be harmful for you. you.
The concept of seeing a deceased alive in your dream
It is a blessing to dream of the deceased, especially deceased relatives, and to see them alive and speaking to you again. Seriously, they’re alive. Our physical bodies are subject to disappearance and decay, but our souls are immortal. My cousin had just finished his earthly stay. His journey to the other planet had just begun.
Abdu’l-Bahá, among the central figures of the Bahá’í Faith, mentioned that we must await disappearance as we await any journey: «with promise and with anticipation.» He has said:
dream of black earth
If you dream of black or very dark earth, it means that you are going through a stage where you feel incapable or useless to solve the problems that cover you, at the moment of finding your objectives, even if it is due to a personal blockage, insecurity or fear.
However, this dream is also the warning that this stage will soon pass, it will soon end to give way to another much more prosperous one.
dream of troubled earth
Was the earth churned up or was it mud? It could also be that the land you dreamed of is directly mud (you can know much more about the concept of dreaming with mud). This means that it will be very difficult for you to continue the path you are walking in order to achieve your goals. If you have been facing adversities that take away your illusions, it is time to double your sacrifices, because it will be worth it.
Have you ever dreamed of fresh and fertile soil? It is possible that you are in a period of change that makes you mature. Cold, fertile soil tends to be indicative of a change in the level of maturation within, self-awareness, and the advancement of a strong adult personality. You are in full development of evolution, you will begin to be interested in profitable projects and your life will change for the rest of your life. In addition to this, do not doubt yourself since this dream indicates that you have what it takes to win.
dream of black earth
The black earth in dreams can offer a rare message. On the one hand, it is the best land to cultivate, as it is rich in nutrients. But, esoterically speaking, the color black portends inconveniences and adversities, consequently, if you dreamed of black earth, it means that a sequence of changes will come into your life that will cause you various problems. These changes are primarily linked to your financial situation, which, unlike what you can meditate on, is a harbinger of economic abundance, but if you cannot maintain stability, they will bring problems that will disturb your soul.
Copper earth is common in dreams. You dream of copper earth when you understand that adversities are coming that will make you change your perspectives, but that does not mean that they will make you a better or worse person. Everything will depend on the attitude you assume given these challenges.
✨ Dreaming of land in the house
The land in the house is associated with the arrival of worries in the house, both in the relationship as a couple and in points of the house, so it will not be a moment Stop worrying, it will be a bit difficult, despite to have new and good projects for your family.
If the earth is on the floor of the house, it means that there will be confrontations and harassment for your family, on the other hand, if the earth is on the furniture of the house, it means that there will be problems with the material, perhaps the loss of something essential for your home or some damaged item.