How to say god in the Mayan language | 👁

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In the narrative of the human race, among the books that was translated into other languages ​​the most is the Bible. It was fully translated into 450 languages, so the Mayan language version could not be missing. This was published by the Bible Society of Mexico, AC in 1992. The copy that I keep, with great appreciation, was a gift from Fr. Domingo Dzul Poot, a member of the Academy of the Mayan Language of Yucatan, A, C., recognized locally and also internationally as an incredible storyteller, speaker of the Mayan language and, therefore, among those designated to translate the bible into Mayan: U Tan Yumku.

Don Domingo, with his jovial character, one day told me: Chan José Tec, I give you this bible because I see that you are an individual dedicated to the study and teaching of the Mayan language, one day it will be useful to you, even in your religious history or in their linguistic knowledge.

Dual peculiarities of the Mayan gods

Sometimes it can be difficult to spot the Mayan gods, especially since some of them had dual characteristics such as human – animal, old – young, male – female.

Popular cases are those of the goddess Ixchel, who can be located as an old woman and in other representations we can find her as a young woman.


Hurakån («the lame»), is a celestial god who embodies storms, floods and other natural catastrophes. According to the Popol Vuh, he formed a part of the «heart of heaven» in a triad of formless gods (Caculhå Huracån, Chipi-Caculhå, and Raxa-Caculhå) who assisted the progenitor gods in the creation of the entire world.

In truth, the universal deluge that ended the previous editions (clay and wood) of the human, which angered the gods, opened the path for the arrival of the definitive man, made of corn.

The existence of the feathered serpent in different Mesoamerican ethnic groups

The figure of KukulcĂĄn or the feathered serpent is found in several Mesoamerican pre-Hispanic towns.

The iconography of this god was consolidated in the last times of the preclassic period. It is estimated that the presence of the cult of KukulcĂĄn is considerably older.