How to save my marriage? 15 steps to achieve it

The truth is that nobody marries to separate and although it seems difficult to maintain a marriage, there will always be a way out. if you have wondered how do i know if i can save my marriagefollow these recommendations.

Divorce is something that no person is prepared for, and surely you got married [email protected] and with the eHope to live the rest of your days very happy. Even perhaps, when you heard someone you knew talk about their separation, you probably thought something like: «divorce will never happen to me, that only happens to those who do not love each other.»

However, let me tell you that no one is exempt from the harsh process of a divorce. There is a vague belief that love is something that is felt and that this is enough, but this is a mistake since love stops being felt if you don’t cultivate it every day.

Signs that tell you that he misses you

Men (not all) because of their character, prefer to skip conversations and demonstrations, however there are signs that are infallible when it comes to recognizing that they miss their partner.

To know what happens when a man tells you that he misses you, You should be aware of the following signs. Take note.

Tips to save your marriage

you may be wondering how to save your marriage, strengthen it and avoid divorce. Here are some tips from experts in psychology and others taken from personal experiences on how to avoid certain mistakes that usually endanger marital relationships. Start showing your love with facts.

1. Respect each other

Mutual respect is a fundamental pillar of a happy marriage. Even when you’re upset, try to speak respectfully. In this way you will avoid situations in which one of the two feels that the other is trying to manipulate him and exert some kind of pressure on the relationship.

2. Do not compare your partner with other people

Don’t compare your partner to other people’s partners, especially if it’s someone you saw on social media like Instagram or Facebook. This applies whether you think about it or say it out loud. Remember that people always choose not their reality but the image they want to reflect of their life and relationships.

3. Stay fit and take care of yourself

Always take care of yourself. People love to see what is attractive in their eyes. Stay fit and healthy. Think about how you look when you are in front of your partner, even if they are at home. Those old jogging pants and those plus size flannels are something to avoid at all costs. This rule applies to both women and men.

4. Commitment comes first, then kids

This is very important in the list of how to save my marriage. Parenting is about being selfless with our children, but it would be a mistake to sacrifice your marriage for them. First, if your kids are all you need in the world, that’s too bad, especially for them. Second, a married couple is the center of the family. And third, one day the children will grow up and leave home.

5. Do not try to make your partner change

People are wrong to think that someone can change their partner. We all have flaws, and it’s almost impossible to transform them into the people you want them to be. Try to create healthy habits and mutual family traditions that everyone likes.

6. Forgive each other

If it crosses your mind every day how to fix my marriage, this tip is for you. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. Misunderstandings arise in all relationships and all at some point hurt each other. If a couple cannot forgive each other, then over time the relationship will collapse from accumulated grievances.

7. Avoid strong words, especially «divorce»

Try to avoid phrases like «If this keeps up, I’ll leave you.» And never say the word «divorce.» If you are going to use it, then you should be prepared to walk away and see a lawyer. Don’t come back later with your tail between your legs saying, «That’s not what I meant.»

8. Control your emotions

Try telling yourself “stop!” when you want to insult your partner. If you feel like you can’t control yourself, take a deep breath, and go for a walk. Just be careful not to use this to isolate yourself from your partner. Tell him you’ll come back to pick up the conversation when you calm down. And of course, keep your word.

9. Never speak ill of your partner

Continuing with the tips to save a marriage it is important that you never say bad things about your partner to other people. Not even your mom. Not your friends. After an argument, they will forget everything and forgive each other, but your mother and your friends will not. If you really feel like you need to share it with someone else, get in touch with a family psychologist.

10. Learn to decipher your partner’s love language

Everyone has their own language of love. Your way of loving is different from your partner’s. To show his love, he may do so through words of support and appreciation, perhaps with tact and care, or even with material things such as gifts.

11. Listen to your partner

To have a good marriage, open and honest communication is essential. If your partner comes to you with problems or concerns about their relationship, you should listen to them patiently. Paying attention when you talk will give you an insight into what’s making him unhappy and give you the opportunity to take action to resolve it

12. Keep a positive attitude

Your spouse fell in love with you for being a happy and emotionally balanced person. If the conflicts in your relationship have exhausted you or if you think your marriage is beyond saving, take a step back. It is normal for you to feel down about the conflicts in your relationship; however, try to focus on the overall positive outlook.

13. Be flexible

Don’t demand that everything be done your way. Marriage is a cooperative union. Neither of them will get their way every time. If you and your partner have different goals and ideas (whether it’s about where you’re moving or where you’re dining), you should listen to each other.

14. Talk about your dreams and wishesone of the most important tips to save the marriage

In addition to talking about everyday needs and situations (“We have to do the laundry”), it is essential that you talk about your deepest fears, hopes and dreams; thus they will develop emotional intimacy. To talk about your and your spouse’s vision of the future, use phrases that begin with «I think that…» or «I hope that…».

15. Last but not least to save a marriage: Take care of the sexual sphere

Intimacy with your partner is like food without which your marriage can become malnourished and sick. Sexual desire decreases when you stop trying to please the other and think selfishly only about your satisfaction. I suggest you get to know your partner and think of ways you could please them.

Is it possible to save a marriage?

Of course! Remember that the key is communication. Make up your mind today and start living your marriage more fully. Do not forget that both married to be happy and to be partners in life. Make an effort to unite their worlds and remember that whoever is not willing to pay the price for love will never live it.

How to repair a damaged marriage?

If you’re feeling depressed because of the state of your relationship, remember all the good times you’ve had with your spouse. Your happiness should not depend on the other person, but should complement that of both of you. Focus on being the best person you can be. Try to pay attention to positive changes and the way you and your partner interact. Talk about these changes with your partner.

Do not give up!

We know that marriage is not easy. The next time you wonder how can i get my marriage back, remember the tips you just read. Keep in mind that in life the things that are most worthwhile are those that cost more work, and you have two paths: that of excuses or that of results, which one are you going to choose?

How to know if a man misses you in silence?

Words sometimes cannot convey what we feel, pay close attention to the 6 tips that we gave you in the note, so that you can identify with which one that boy who misses you but is capable of admitting it, manifests himself.

With information from: Good