Lust: supervising sexual desire Excessive sexual thoughts, uncontrollable carnal desire, sexual compulsion, the search for excitement without a marriage union are expressions of the sin of lust that threatens the couple because it impairs loyalty, among the essential agreements of
It is identified by excessive thoughts of a sexual nature, or an excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire. Currently there is a lot of talk about sex addiction. Pornography, adultery, fornication, or that uncontrollable sexual desire has the potential to wipe out your relationship. Intimate relationships are paramount in marriage. Make sure your partner is sexually satisfied so that ultimately you don’t have to look elsewhere. If in your relationship you do not have enough sexual activity, learn to monitor your impulses and understand how to request and create the right moment so that your partner feels the desire to be with you and communicate this intimate and sacred moment. The opposite virtue to lust is chastity.
Leisure seems to have no effect on marriage; however, he is tied to his sister, indifference. A head that is not busy doing something productive is a head that is not walking, sick, or disabled in some way. Then there is indifference towards the partner. Enthusiastically fulfill your expert and family responsibilities. The moment your partner wants to tell you something, give them your attention. Worry about understanding how she is, if she needs something, if she is sick or hungry, if she wants to chat or go for a walk. Avoid occupations that are only for you, such as playing a platform game alone or going online. Surely your partner will also want to spend time with you after so many hours of separation for work. Diligence is the virtue in contrast to laziness.
Following Erich Fromm, we have the possibility of detecting 4 fundamental specifications of love:
- Caution: it means taking care of the loved one, being attentive and also enthusiastic about their comfort. It is concern for the life and development of the loved one. Protecting is not overprotecting or doing everything for that person, it is letting them be and considering that they are fine because they are essential and important as a human being.
- Commitment: is the response to the claims, expressed or not, of the other person. It is not performing the duty, it is acting, offering and responding to that other to whom we are united. It is the attentive availability of being present for what the person needs.
- Respect: means seeing people as they are, acknowledging and aware of their individuality. Respect supposes a genuine concern for the development of the other and the desire for him to develop like himself.
- Knowledge: it means getting close to the inner planet of the other from the acceptance, to know it, but not to dominate it, but rather to take care of it, respect it and answer what it truly needs. .
The risks of an erotic way of thinking
If sexuality is exercised, it must be done without any erotic way of thinking; way of thinking that makes you assume that the exercise of sex is the greatest happiness in the world and then you discover that it is not so; for carnal experiences are fleeting and give less than spiritual joy.
In addition to this, sexologists assure that sexual activity is not the most essential thing in the life of a couple.
Product Themes
lust and possession
The «normality» of sexual desire
Intellectual stimulation and lust
Lust is related, that is, with possessive thoughts about another person. By the time this kind of obsession reaches a pathological root, it can lead to sexual compulsions, abuse, and rape.
What does it mean to be a lascivious individual?
The Bible talks a lot about lust. Many people assume that lust only refers to sexual behavior, but this is not true. Lust is an insatiable desire for something, whether it be sex, power, food, or money. Lust is a sin against God and against our body.
Lust is a sin that is often overlooked, but it is a serious sin. Lust makes us want something that is not good for us and divides us from God. Lust is a sin that can destroy our lives and our relationships.