What happens if they throw graveyard dirt at your house | 👁

Everything related to death and cemeteries has always generated a certain respect and fear within the world of the living. This is not at all unjustified since, from esotericism, many rituals they use elements from this dimension to make links with the dark.

One of these rituals is linked to the graveyard land and usually has to do with envy or negative desires for the person and house that receives it. Consists in leave this land at the door of the house of that person whom you want to affectbringing energy and negative experiences.

So, if one day you come home and find that there is a bag of dirt at your door or a cumulus in your driveway, probably It is because someone is not very happy with you.

What should I do if they throw away graveyard land in my house?

If this happens to you, the first thing you should do is not panic. Just as there are evil rituals, there are others to reverse them.

It is advisable that you dispose of the earth in the following way:

  • Get gloves, holy water, a black plastic bag and the prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel.
  • If the earth is inside a bag, you must first water it with holy water while you pray the prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel. Once this is done, place the soil inside the black bag and take it as far as possible from your house.
  • If the earth is on the ground, you must get a broom and a new dustpan, which you do not have at home, since then you must get rid of both. Carefully gather all the earth by doing the same procedure with holy water and prayer, place it in the bag and take it as far from home as possible. It should be clarified that under no circumstances enter your house any of these elements.

This entire process is done under the belief that as long as you are in the company of God and Jesus, no evil spirit or negative energy will be able to interfere in your life.

Prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael was the archangel sent by God to defeat the devil, He is the soldier chosen by the Most High. This is why his intercession is requested in the fight against evil forces.

Next, we leave you his prayer so that you have it in case you have to get rid of graveyard land, or simply want to have it for any situation with you.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the fight.
Be our protection against the perversity and snares of the devil.
May God manifest his power over him is our humble supplication.
And you, oh Prince of the Celestial Militia, with the power that God has conferred on you, throw Satan into hell, and the other evil spirits that roam the world for the destruction of souls. Amen.