What are the myths of Guatemala | 👁

The myths and legends in Guatemala have become popular for the public thanks to the book Guatemalan Legendsby Miguel Angel Asturias.

There are several popular myths that are born in Guatemala under the Mayan tradition and that have been preserved over time as a means of entertainment and teaching.

So that you internalize and learn a little more about the incredible culture and richness of Guatemalan mythology, we will introduce you here some of its most outstanding and emblematic myths.

The big hat

The Sombrerón, also known as Tzitzimite, is a small pixie or imp whose size is not greater than that of a finger.

this little spirit wears a very big hat and noisy boots and takes care of tie knots in the horse’s manes and in the hair of the wide-eyed women he falls in love with. He is a lover of the guitar and serenades his lovers and hides imperceptibly in their pillows to play in their hair.

La Llorona

The well-known story of this woman in pain also transfers to the myths of Guatemala.

The myth tells the story of a woman who, after an apparent mental delusion, murdered her children after drowning them in a river. Since then, she has traveled through her soul in sorrow through the humid areas with the cry of «Oh my children»hoping to one day get them back.

the siguanaba

The Siguanaba is a entity with the apparent shape of a woman, seductive and beautiful, who is chased by womanizing and drunken men until they die after falling into a ravine.

La Siguanaba hides her face from men and only shows it to them before they fall and die and, according to the story, the face has nothing to do with that of a beautiful woman, but rather that of a horse.

the Win

the wiin is a man transformed by the work of a diabolic ritual.

According to the story, by means of satanic invocations where they dance in a circle, they ask the devil for the gift of the transformation so that men can steal things without being discovered or bothering women. This transformation is known as Wiin and she is recognized by her eyes that resemble two balls of fire.

the cadejo

the cadejo is one of the guardian spirits according to mythology. It depends on the area, it is different. In some places, It’s about a black dog that protects drunken men so that they arrive safely home, he accompanies them on the road and takes care that nothing happens to them.

On the other hand, in other areas, the Cadejo is a white dog, which what it does is accompany and protect women who are walking alone at night.

The Tattooed

This myth tells the story of a woman who supposedly existed in reality. It was about a woman who had lived in colonial times in Santiago de Guatemala and who was sentenced to the stake by the Inquisition, for the crime of witchcraft.

Once locked up and before being burned alive, La Tatuana asked the soldiers if they could grant her one last favor, this was to give her a piece of coal. The soldiers did so and he is with him, He drew a small boat on the wall, with which he later flew out of his cage, saving himself from the bonfire. According to the story, she had been taken by the devil, with whom she had a pact and for whom she performed her black magic.

Vanushka the gypsy

The gypsy Vanushka is a woman who really existed. She was a beautiful young lady, tall, with light complexion and eyes. He lived with his family of gypsies and they lived by performing shows for the town.

One day she was seen by the governor’s son, who fell for her charms and promised to marry her and start a family. However, this never happened, and Vanushka was abandoned by the young man.plunging into an incurable grief that accompanied her until her death.

According to what is said, to compensate her for so much sadness, the Virgin of the Rosary granted her the gift of interceding for lovers so that they can find the true love that she could not have. For this reason, currently her grave is visited by many couples who leave her flowers as an offering.

The headless priest’s mass

According to reports, in some churches you can see on the main altar a a headless priest distributing gold to the poor. It is said that he is a priest who during his lifetime was so ambitious and greedy that as punishment he ended up losing his mind and condemned to distribute gold. to those most in need for the rest of their days.