Tattoos are an excellent way of body expressionwhich is increasingly used either for pleasure or for wanting to capture something significant on the skin to wear it for a lifetime.
There are several popular designs, whose meaning has become so strong that they are beginning to be seen on more and more skins. One of them It’s the triple 7 or 777 tattoo.
This tattoo 777 It has great value from the point of view of numerology, since it has a lot of angelic strength. and those who carry it with them believe that a guardian angel accompanies them in every step of their lives.
Also, triple seven it is also associated with good lucksince in many slot machines and casinos, this figure represents having won the jackpot.
Other meanings of the tattoo 777
In addition to the aforementioned, there are other awards that are made to this tattoo, among them, there is the one that speaks of what it represents 7 virtues and 7 sins.
Also, there are those who link this number with perfection, the spiritual and divine protection, since, according to theology, 7 is a perfect and infinite number and that is why it is used in so many biblical representations such as, for example, forgiving 70 times 7, that is, infinite times.
Popular representation of the number 7
The truth is that this number acquires a lot of value, even in the unconscious of people. In fact, It has been proven that, in lottery and games of chance, the most wagered numbers are 7 and its multiples.due to the association that it has with the good luck.
From remote times and traditions, this number is associated with perfection and the divine. So much so that Hippocrates already wrote about this figure:
“The number seven, due to its hidden virtues, tends to do all things; it is the dispenser of life and source of all changes, since even the Moon changes its phase every seven days: this number influences all sublime beings.”
This belief is based on many natural processes, such as the lunar cycles and the celestial bodies known in antiquity that later decanted into the days of the week, were 7 and therefore it was considered to be a perfect number.
Inclusive In the Bible, there are several allusions to the number 7 as the perfect number. One of them, for example, is the one found in Joshua 6, where God tells Joshua:
“And all of you men of war have to march around the city, going around the city once. […]And seven priests are to carry seven ram’s horns, before the Ark, and on the seventh day you are to march around the city seven times, and the priests are to blow the horns. And it has to happen that when they blow the ram’s horn […]all the people must let out a great war cry; and the wall of the city must come down…»
It is for this and many other traditions, such as that of the Talmud, where 7 are the basic commandments and the heavens, or in Hinduism, with the 7 chakras and 7 wise men, that the number 7 acquires so much meaning and veneration by people.