What is the molasses for? Surely you did not know their secrets

If you are one of those who still wonders, what is the molasses for? Well, in this article we are going to reveal the secrets that you may not have known about this type of sweetener.

For a long time, grandmothers made molasses or cane syrup their best ally when it came to caring for the health of the whole family. Certain benefits for humans are usually attributed to this viscous substance obtained from sugar cane, which is also an energy food (from the carbohydrate family), such as its contribution of nutrients such as carbohydrates to produce energy in the body, the vitamin B6 and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, copper, iron and potassium.

Your well-being should be the most important thing and for this reason, we want to tell you what green coffee is for and all the benefits you could obtain from molasses for optimal health:

What is molasses for in humans?

Very commonly, it is associated with molasses as a sugar substitute sweetener, which is why it is believed to be useful to prevent excess sugar in the blood, as well as strengthen bones. There are also those who consume it to improve mood since it would provide energy and help in certain processes linked to depression. Its contribution of calcium and vitamin B6 would be essential to help you fall asleep, making the body relax and rest properly at night. It is often consumed as a natural laxative as it would help eliminate waste more easily when suffering from constipation.

What is molasses for on the face?

In addition, molasses could be ingested to improve the appearance of the skin at any stage of life. This natural substance would be a good way to slow down the aging of the dermis, since it would eliminate dead cells and cleanse the skin of impurities, clearing the obstructions in the pores; for this reason, it would also prevent and/or control juvenile acne and when it occurs in adulthood. Another of its cosmetic benefits would be that it would provide a natural glow to the face and leave the skin softer and smoother. You could include it in your daily diet to start seeing results.

What is molasses used for in hair?

In some cases, molasses would be a good way to say goodbye to dry and damaged hair. If you have been suffering from dandruff, brittle hair or dandruff, you could make a hair mask using just three ingredients: 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 2 and a half tablespoons of molasses and the yolk of an egg.

  • Pour the ingredients into a bowl: first the oil, then the molasses and finally the yolk. Stir very well until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Wash your hair beforehand and once it has dried almost completely, divide it into several strands. At that time, apply the mask trying to cover the hair very well.
  • Cover the hair with a shower cap and allow the mixture to act for about 30 or 60 minutes.
  • Finally, wash it with plenty of cold water and comb it as you like.

What is molasses with milk for?

This kind of syrup would be the way to combat insomnia. Many people drink a glass of warm milk with a tablespoon of molasses before going to bed to improve sleep quality. This natural mixture would also have the ability to provide iron and calcium to the bones, which is why it is consumed by patients with diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. You should know that there are no scientific conclusions about whether its intake really helps to improve you in these cases, however you could try this old formula.

What is molasses used for in plants?

More and more people decide to add molasses to the soil in order to improve its conditions. Also, it would be a way to fertilize the land to deliver many more nutrients to the plants and stimulate faster growth that could be used in more constant harvests. Try to do this by mixing 2-3 tablespoons of molasses with compost and spreading it on the soil of the plants and, if possible, close to their roots so that they get the nutrients.

At Vibra, we also want to tell you, what is moringa good for and how is it taken? This plant has become very fashionable for its healing properties.