Dreaming of demons shows that you hide various secrets.

On several occasions, dream of demons it can become disturbing. But waking up with your heart racing at dawn should make you reflect on the things you’re not doing right.

To explain the visions with the «legs» it is enough to say that you should not be afraid because they are not premonitory. What it means to dream of the devil would be a representation that some negative attitudes of yours are making you keep secrets, thoughts and intentions that would bring some problems to you or close people.

We want to tell you what it means to dream of ghosts and also make you see what the true meanings of seeing the «canchilas» while you are sleeping are:

What does it mean to dream of demons?

Very commonly, this type of dark dreams is related to your personality. Perhaps, seeing those demons is an internal look at you, in which your mind would be telling you that you are not being all good and that you would be harboring feelings of bad faith, selfishness, greed or envy. Also, your subconscious wants to show you that it is time to reflect and make a profound life change.

Dream about demons and pray

This would be a vision in which, perhaps, your conscience is turning over bad behaviors that you have recently had and with which you would have hurt someone. Perhaps, you are also losing peace when you sleep, because you know that your actions have created problems for a person who perhaps did not deserve it, so it would be the right moment to apologize to the people you may have offended or caused harm.

dreaming of demons woman

Dreams with demons in the form of women would have a direct connection with your concerns. In the present you may be facing certain situations that would cause a revolution in your feelings and even the temptation to commit some prohibited acts. Also, this type of vision would show the feelings of guilt that you would harbor in the face of old situations that would be appearing at this time and that would generate anguish because they would reveal your secrets that no one knows.

Dream of demons fighting

It is usually a dream that, although it seems unpleasant and dark at first, would be a wake-up call for you to change some negative behaviors. With him, your mind would be looking for you to apologize, ask for forgiveness or do acts that repair annoying attitudes that you could have with people close to you. In several cases, this vision would be the starting point to reconcile with others and with yourself to continue moving forward in your life and healing wounds that were opened in the past but that it is time to close, abandoning pride.

dream of demons man

It is a vision in which your mind would be teaching you a lesson. Perhaps you are going through times of restlessness or discomfort in your current job because you do not feel supported or recognized as you would like for what you do. Also, it would reveal that these situations would be turning you into a bad-tempered person, incredulous and full of resentment for others.

Dream of a demon and defeat it

That you give the devil a few slaps and manage to beat them, is really something to rejoice. If in this dream you can overcome it, it is because you would be defeating all the obstacles and fears that you have inside and that do not allow you to be happy. Winning this battle against «legs» would also indicate that you have begun to overcome yourself and get out of any difficulty that life has presented to you so far.

What does it mean to dream of a demon in the mirror?

Dreams in which you see demons in the mirror or your reflection as if you were a demon would be a harsh alert that your mind would give you. I would be showing you that it is better to think and review with a cool head all those tips or whispers that some people who wanted to take you down negative paths or that would cause you problems have whispered in your ear. This vision would be a sign that it is better to open your eyes and notice the people around you to know their true intentions and not swallow whole with their words.

At Vibra we tell you everything you want to know about the meaning of dreams and the proper way to interpret each of the visions you have at night.

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