Things you didn’t know 5 minutes ago, top 10 surprising!

maybe there are many things you didn’t know 5 minutes ago and that when you discover them they can shock you because the truth had not even crossed your mind.

The world has many rarities and if it comes to knowing them all, we are far from knowing in depth everything we would like. Even if you are a great reader or a traveler around the planet, there are very curious questions that can escape you and others that can, figuratively, blow your mind because of how crazy they are.

If you want to know 5 curiosities of Friends that you should know before the premiere or know 10 very impressive and fun tips about various areas of the world, we will tell you below:

10 things you didn’t know 5 minutes ago

It’s time to start knowing those curiosities that are going to undermine you. With this learning, you will be able to break the ice in the next conversation with friends or even on your next date with a dark person:

10. The country with the largest number of beaches in the world

This is Australia. The nation located in Oceania has more than 10 thousand beaches, which would make it possible for you to visit a new beach, every day, for 27 years!

9. The most visited city in the world

Believe it or not, the city that receives the most tourists each year is Bangkok, Thailand. At least 22,078,000 million visitors arrive annually at this paradisiacal destination that, for 4 consecutive years, has received more people than cities like London, New York and Paris.

8. There are two countries in the world where you cannot buy a Coke

Maybe you love to drink this cola, but when you visit Cuba and North Korea, you won’t be able to buy it. It’s all because the governments of these two nations have no commercial or political dealings with the land of Uncle Sam (the United States).

7. The Facebook logo is blue, because its creator is color blind.

Many scholars racked their brains learning marketing to find out why this company’s logo was blue. Well, Mark Zuckerberg suffers from this disease and the tone that accompanies the corporate image of the social network is the one that its creator distinguishes with greater precision.

6. On Instagram, more stories are shared per day than in real life

The Stories function in this social network is well known. In addition to being a powerful product to sell, it is estimated that more than 300 billion stories are published daily on this photographic platform.

These are the things you didn’t know 5 minutes ago

Continuing with this count, we enter the top 5 of those surprising things that you may not have known until today:

5. Michael Jackson was saved from dying in the 9/11 attacks in New York

The king of pop had an important appointment in one of the twin towers on September 11, 2001 in the morning hours. He never made it to the meeting because he fell asleep due to exhaustion from his presentation the night before at Madison Square Garden.

4. There is a city in the USA that prohibits hunting mice

This is Cleveland, Ohio. There, mouse hunting is prohibited, unless you have a license to do so. This is due to a law that protects the life and integrity of these rodents.

3. If you lose your little finger, say goodbye to 50% of your arm strength

Although it is the smallest finger on your hand, it provides half the force you can use on your hand. If you were to lose it, your strength would decrease by 50% since large joints depend on it, which are used to move your entire hand.

2. Do you know the real and full name of the Barbie doll?

The popular Barbie doll, made by the Mattel company, has a full name like any human being. The blonde is actually named Barbara Millicent Roberts, after the daughter of Ruth Handler, the inventor of this pop icon.

1. Did you know that you wake up taller and go to bed shorter?

Just as you read. This is due to two factors: gravity and body composition. It was scientifically proven that a person is between 1 and 2 cm taller in the morning thanks to the expansion of the intervertebral discs, but once the day progresses, the body shrinks between 1 and 2.5 cm depending on situations such as average height, your age, gender and even your body weight.

How many of these curiosities did you know? Tell us your answer through a comment and remember to share all the Vibra articles on your social networks.