What is lemongrass used for? A healing and versatile herb

It is a plant widely used in Asia for its properties and benefits, that’s why we tell you exactly what is lemongrass for.

Lemongrass or lemongrass is an aromatic plant with many positive properties for the body. It is a fresh and very tasty herb that not only serves to give a delicious flavor to some dishes but also has many health benefits.

What is lemongrass and what is it for?

Lemongrass provides several nutrients that can not only be used through infusions, but also in some recipes or home remedies. However, its infusions are well known because they help relieve headaches, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it has several nutrients, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

What is lemongrass used for as a medicinal plant?

Lemon grass is ideal for people who suffer from migraines, as it regulates the functioning of platelets, which prevents them from accumulating and controls the release of serotonin, which causes this ailment. In addition, it is also a very effective remedy for detoxification, so it is used to eliminate uric acid and keep cholesterol levels controlled.

Properties of lemongrass

Lemongrass is also ideal for eliminating toxins and some harmful elements that accumulate in the brain and cardiovascular system. The oil of this famous plant is also a great ally to combat anxiety and avoid behaviors related to stress.

What is lemongrass tea for?

Lemongrass infusions work very well to lower blood glucose levels, which makes it a great ally against diabetes. This drink also works as a treatment for various digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating, vomiting and even constipation.

Benefits of lemongrass: prepare your own drink

To take full advantage of the properties that lemongrass has, all you have to do is put 4 cups of water in a pot and then add 10 leaves of lemongrass. Then let it boil for 10 minutes over medium heat and then it will be time to strain it and drink it immediately.

What diseases can lemongrass cure?

Lemongrass not only brings these health benefits, it is also capable of reducing fever, helping relieve congestion, cough and symptoms associated with respiratory infections. In addition, it can work as a treatment that inhibits the growth of early-stage cancer cells by preventing their proliferation.

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