Tree of abundance, care that you should know

They know him for the popular belief of attracting money to the house, this you should know about the tree of abundance its care and secrets.

The tree of abundance is characterized by its green color, its bright and shiny leaves, its thick stem and tiny flowers. Many people include it as a decorative plant in their home because it is believed to attract money and of course abundance.

How to take care of the tree of abundance

This is a plant that does not require much effort or care to stay beautiful and resplendent. That is why having it in the home to decorate is a very good option and according to beliefs, wealth will not be lacking in your life.

How many times is the tree of abundance watered, care that you have to know

The tree of abundance needs constant but not excessive watering. Ideally, you should add water when you see that the soil is drying in the upper layer, that is, once or twice a week. This plant must be kept hydrated but do not flood it because its roots could rot.

How much sun does the Portulacaria Afra need?

The tree of abundance needs a constant source of light, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight because its leaves can burn and be damaged. It is best to place it near a window and it is also important that it does not receive strong drafts.

How to prune a tree of abundance, care and secrets

Ideally, you should do it once a year, maintaining its shape and structure. You must bear in mind that the leaves or branches that are withered must be removed so that the plant continues its growth.

What is the right soil for this plant

The suitable substrate for this type of plants is one that is half earth and half sand. However, the most important thing is that the abundance tree has good drainage.

When does the tree of abundance bloom?

The tree of abundance produces small pink flowers and in some cases white, it can reach a height of 6 meters. The flowers are star-shaped and are produced in clusters at the ends of the branches. The tree normally flowers in late spring or early summer, but it only happens once a year.

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