How did yellow and red cards come about in football?

(Will Leite/Strange World)


They were invented by English judge Ken Aston, a member of the FIFA Referees Committee, and created in 1970.

Before the cards, when a player performed a penalty, the judge had to warn interpretively and verbally. This often caused confusion.

In the 1966 World Cup, in the game between England and Argentina, the Argentine captain, Antonio Rattín, began to gesture at the end of the first half, demanding an interpreter, as the German referee, Rudolf Kreitlein, at the beginning of the match, had already warned three players on your team. The referee thought that the player’s gestures were curses and ended up expelling him. Rattín did not want to leave, claiming he did not understand the judge and the punishment. This attitude generated widespread confusion, which ended up with the Argentine being taken off the field, escorted by soldiers.

After the incident, FIFA realized the need for some kind of rule to avoid these problems. Aston copied the color concept from traffic lights and his wife Hulda came up with the idea of ​​using cards.

QUESTION Dani Libanio, Curitiba, PR

SOURCES FIFA, Smithsonian and BBC

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