How is it possible to distinguish the sex of a tortoise?

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It’s simple: just look at the plastron, the underside of the carapace, what would be the animal’s belly. “Male tortoises have this deeply concave part of their shell to fit the female’s when mating,” says biologist William Matiazzi, from the Museum of Zoology at the University of São Paulo (USP). Females, on the other hand, have a plastron without concavity or slightly convex. The tortoise reaches sexual maturity at around four or five years old, depending on the species. During reproduction, the eggs are buried and the young are born after six to eight months. The tortoise is a reptile of the chelonian family, a relative of turtles and tortoises. Despite living up to 80 years, he is not as hardy as he appears and, when raised as a pet, needs special care to survive. The jabuti should receive, for example, a healthy diet, consisting of fruits, watercress leaves, broccoli, carrots and ground meat. Also, it needs to be kept in a suitable space, such as a backyard with dirt, where there is a good area for it to move around.

Who is who
Males and females of turtles and tortoises can be identified by the tail and cloaca


The main difference is in the tail, which is longer in males. But depending on the species, the characteristic of each sex varies. In the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), for example, the male has a flatter shell and very curved claws on the front legs.


The male is usually larger than the female and the lower part of his shell is very concave — higher at the edges than in the center. The female, on the other hand, does not have a concavity and can even be slightly convex in the region — more prominent in the center than at the edges


The distinction of the sexes is not always related to the concavity of the hull. In the lower part of the male carapace, there is a kind of deeper notch in the region of the cloaca. In addition, the male tortoise in general also has a longer tail than the female.

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