Where is polygamy still practiced in the world?

Text originally published in 2010.

Amazingly, it’s perfectly legal to have multiple wives in over 50 countries. In another 20, polygamy is not in the law but is culturally accepted. Most of these nations are in Africa, a region with a strong concentration of the Muslim religion.

The Koran, the holy book of Islam, allows a man to have up to four spouses (no harems with dozens of cats), a limit that was “copied” by most legislation favorable to the practice. But across the world, polygamy is falling out of favor as the notion of equality between the sexes spreads. “It is the effect of the strong influence of Christianity and modern Western culture”, explains Luiz Fernando Dias Dutra, professor of anthropology at the National Museum (UFRJ).

polygamy stories

With several wives and many children, these men carried out the “be fruitful and multiply”:

the big daddy

Who – Moulay Ismail

Where – Morocco

When – 1672 to 1727

The Moroccan Sultan holds the all-time record for having children. According to records, he had no less than 888 heirs (548 men and 340 women). For this, he had 500 women. Such happiness in bed did not make him a more pious ruler: in the 20 years of his rule, more than 30,000 subjects died as a result of his orders.

there is presidential suite

Who – Jacob Zuma

Where – South Africa

When – 1942 to present

The former president of the country follows the tribal tradition of the Zulus. In 2009, aged 67, he got married for the fifth time – but hey, he has “only” three wives (one died and the other filed for divorce). Public opinion only turned against Zuma when he admitted that he still had an illegitimate child with another woman, out of wedlock(s). That’s too much!

30 times jealousy

Who – Joseph Smith

Where – USA

When – 1805 to 1844

The records are controversial, but everything indicates that the founder of the Mormons had more than 30 wives, with ages ranging from 14 to 60 years. The “incumbent”, Emma, ​​had to deal with the “successors”. Their differing opinions have led some historians to believe that Smith performed some of his other marriages without his first wife’s knowledge.

I love Lucys

Who – Brigham Young

Where – USA

When – 1801 to 1877

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Smith’s successor among the Mormons had 55 wives (among them, two Lucys, three Marys, three Clarissas and two Elizabeths) and «only» 57 children. Some of the women, incidentally, were Smith’s widows.

They all lived in two huge custom-built houses. In them, each wife and their respective children had an area for themselves, with individual entrances. Imagine how much he spent on doors…

Revolving door

Who – Saleh Al-Sayeri

Where – Saudi Arabia

When – 1941 to present

This businessman found a clever way to circumvent the Muslim limit of four spouses. He says he’s been married to the first three for 20 years – it’s the “fourth wave” that changes all the time. In this coming and going, he has already accumulated 58 marriages. There were ten sons and who knows how many daughters – Saleh thinks there were 25. He also admits that he doesn’t remember the names of all his wives.

Twelve is too much

Who – Ayatu Nure

Where – Ethiopia

When – 1944 to present

This Ethiopian is a vivid explanation of why polygamy is falling out of favor. Each of his 12 wives cost him around 2,000 reais, and now the family with 78 children survives on banana tree roots. The problem is that the cycle repeats itself: to ensure that some of his daughters improve, Ayatu is selling them to potential husbands.

Even you, Bible?

Who – David

Where – Israel and Judah

When – Around 970 BC

The Bible also has mentions of polygamy, a practice considered valid in the past. King David, the famous leader who defeated the giant Goliath, had several wives. This is what this passage from the second book of Samuel, chapter 5, verse 13 suggests: “When he arrived in Hebron, David took even more concubines and wives from Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to David”.

Wives or slaves?

Who – Goel Ratzon

Where – Israel

When – 1951 to present

Nicknamed the Messiah of the Harem, this Israeli was arrested in 2009 for keeping 32 wives (with whom he had 89 children). His families lived in subhuman conditions and followed extremely strict laws that he himself created. Registered as single mothers, the women received government assistance, and Goel pocketed it all!

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