What’s the most exciting battle you’ve ever faced? – Cultural Contest “God of War Sticker Album”.

Now, in addition to having detailed information about the game, you can collect the most amazing images of Kratos and his battles in the God of War Sticker Album!

Send a message with the hashtag #GodOfWarME to ‘s Twitter profile (@mundoestranho), answering the question:

The authors of the three most creative answers will win the prizes. you can apply until 23:59 on the first of July (this Sunday)! The result will be published here on the website at 4th of July.

CONTEST. This is a CONTEST of an exclusively cultural nature, without any form of draw or payment, nor linked to the acquisition or use of any good, right or service, open to all interested parties, over fourteen (14) years of age, under the terms of Law 5.768/71 and Decree No. 70.951/72, under the conditions described below.

ORGANIZER. This CONTEST is organized by EDITORA ABRIL SA, a corporation registered with the CNPJMF under nº 02.183.757/0001-93, headquartered at Av. Otaviano Alves de Lima, nº4.400, Nossa Senhora do Ó, in the City of São Paulo , State of São Paulo. TERM, AREA OF EXECUTION AND PARTICIPATION. This CONTEST will start on June 29, 2012 and end on July 4, 2012, when the results will be announced. of July 1, 2012. Execution Area: The national territory will be considered as the execution area designated for the promotion and dissemination of this CONTEST, so that individuals, aged 14 or over, may participate. (fourteen) years old who are resident and domiciled in national territory.

4.3 If the winning participant is a minor, their parents or legal guardians will be awarded.

4.4 The participation of employees, collaborators, partners/shareholders of the ORGANIZER and its affiliated companies, as well as their respective relatives up to the 2nd degree and spouses and any persons directly involved in the execution of the CONTEST.

CONTEST MECHANICS. To participate, interested parties simply send a message to Magazine’s Twitter account (@mundoestranho), including the hashtag #GodOfWarME, answering the question “What is the most exciting battle you have ever faced?”. Beforehand, participants must read this Regulation, available on the website https://www.mundoestranho.com.br and accept the conditions of the CONTEST, declaring and guaranteeing that they have the legal capacity to do so, as well as that all information provided due to your participation are true.

5.1 Interested parties may send as many messages as they wish, by fulfilling all the conditions for participation established in this Regulation, participation being personal and non-transferable. The ORGANIZER will disqualify anyone who uses any illicit methods or those contrary to those provided for in this Regulation to manipulate the result of the CONTEST.

5.2 The response can be sent until 23:59 (Brasília time) on July 1, 2012. Responses sent after this date will not be accepted.

5.3 The participant is entirely responsible for the content of the response and the registration data sent, respecting consistency, logic, as well as the correct use of the Portuguese language.

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5.4 Answers that are: (i) indecent, (ii) prejudiced, (iii) disrespectful, (iv) discriminatory, (v) injurious, (vi) slanderous, (vii) defamatory and/or that in any way violate the dignity, image, reputation, honor, morals, integrity or any other right of any person, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion, (viii) as well as phrases containing data ( subliminal messages, information, images, (ix) contain data or information that constitute or may constitute a crime (or criminal misdemeanor) or that may be understood as incitement to commit crimes (or criminal misdemeanor); (x) offend freedom of belief and religions, (xi) violate any law or are inappropriate, (xii) violate public order, good customs and/or any legal norm, (xiii) make electoral propaganda or disseminate opinion favorable or against party or candidate and (xiv) violate Intellectual Property rights, especially copyright, trademark and personality rights.

5.5 The participants declare, from now on, that the images and phrases sent are their own and assign and transfer to the ORGANIZER and to the CO-ORGANIZER, without any burden for the latter and definitively, fully and totally, all copyrights over them , for any type of use, publication, reproduction by any means or technique, and in the dissemination of the result.

5.6 The ORGANIZER is not responsible for the non-receipt of the images, phrases and data necessary to participate in the referred CONTEST sent by the participants, for the non-receipt of the participation confirmation response by the participants, as well as for the impossibility of the participants to send their images and registration data, due to failures or sending errors caused by problems with the internet provider used by the participant or on the website of this CONTEST.

WINNER SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION. The choice of the 3 (three) winning answers will be made, among those validated by the moderators, by a jury made up of at least 03 (three) judges appointed by the ORGANIZER, who will take into account the following criteria: creativity, originality, originality and adequacy to the subject and the present Regulation, being its sovereign and unappealable decisions. If identical answers/phrases are verified, the one who first sends the correct answer/phrase will be considered the winner, considering the time of receipt of the answers/phrases by the ORGANIZER. The result of this CONTEST will be announced from 6 pm (Brasília time), on July 4, 2012 on Magazine’s Twitter (@mundoestranho) , and the winner will be informed through the registered e-mail and/or telephone numbers .AWARDS AND AWARDS. The winners of this CONTEST will receive, each one, as a prize: 01 (one) copy of the “Illustrated Book God of War” and 01 package with 180 stickers.

7.1 The winners will receive the prize at the address informed after the disclosure, free and clear of any encumbrance, within a period of up to 30 (thirty) days, counted from the date of publication of the results.

Under no circumstances will the winner be able to receive the value of the prize in cash, which is personal and non-transferable.

7.3 The winner, upon receiving the prize of this CONTEST, agrees to sign the term of receipt, providing a copy of the identification document (RG) and accept it without the right to future claims to the ORGANIZER, as well as agreeing to exempt the same and/or any company involved in the CONTEST, its related companies, subsidiaries and affiliates, including their respective employees, representatives, service providers and agents or any other person or organization directly or indirectly involved in this CONTEST from any and all demands or legal actions arising from their participation in the CONTEST or receipt and use of any prize, with the exception of those relating to the fulfillment, smooth running and outcome of the CONTEST.

GENERAL PROVISIONS. The authenticity of the sentences sent by the participants will be evaluated by moderators, and those that violate any of the conditions established in this Regulation will be disqualified.

8.1 If the assessment referred to in the previous item, after defining the recipient, attests that any of them violates any of the conditions established in this Regulation or declares any untrue information, this participant will be disqualified and the winner will be declared the one who is classified in the position immediately following him.

8.2 In the event of proven fraud or attempted fraud, the participant will be automatically excluded from the CONTEST, regardless of sending any notification and, if he/she is the winner, the prize will be transferred to the next participant classified within the valid conditions and foreseen in this Regulation. For the purpose of this clause, participation through the registration of incorrect or false information, the participation of employees, third parties, relatives up to the second degree of employees and third parties, promoters, agents, affiliates or others who have a direct or indirect professional relationship is considered fraud. with the ORGANIZER or COORGANIZER.

8.4 By participating in this CONTEST, under the terms of this Regulation, participants will be automatically assigning the right to use their image and voice for a period of 12 (twelve) months, as well as the rights to exhibit, publish, reproduce, store and/or use them in any other way, which the participants do expressly and in an irrevocable and irreversible manner, right away and by operation of law, free of charge and without any remuneration, encumbrance or charge, said rights being able to be exercised by means of posters , films and/or spots, jingles and/or vignettes, as well as in any type of media and/or promotional pieces, including television, radio, newspapers, posters, banners, billboards, direct mail and the Internet, for the wide disclosure of this Regulation and/or its subsequent development, exclusively.

8.5 The authorizations described above do not imply any obligation to disclose or pay any amount on the part of the ORGANIZER.

8.6 Participants will be solely responsible for any possible question arising from copyright related to the use of images, expressions, texts, text fragments, among other reproductions and/or misuse of the works, even if partially, responding civilly and criminally for the illicit acts that commit in the field of intellectual property.

8.7 Omissions and/or any controversies arising from participation in this CONTEST will be submitted to the Judging Committee for evaluation, and its decisions are sovereign and unappealable.

8.8 Simply participating in this CONTEST, by completing the registration form, implies knowledge and full acceptance of these Regulations.

8.9 The participant whose conduct implies the fraudulent manipulation of the CONTEST operation or who violates the terms and conditions imposed in this Regulation, will be automatically disqualified and/or disqualified.

8.10 If, for whatever reason, beyond the will and control of the ORGANIZER or CO-ORGANIZER, it is not possible to conduct this CONTEST as planned, the ORGANIZER or CO-ORGANIZER may terminate it in advance, by notifying the participants. If the CONTEST ends early, the ORGANIZER or CO-ORGANIZER must notify the public and participants through the same means used for its dissemination, explaining the reasons that led to such…