What does «Saturn return» mean in astrology?


For this line of studies, this movement of the planet is a kind of “crisis of the 30s”. Saturn has a slow translation and takes between 28 and 29.5 years to go around the Sun. This movement marks three great cycles of life, of three decades each. The word “return” refers to the fact that the star returns to the initial point, where it was when the person was born.

According to astrologers, with the arrival of 30, it is time in look in the mirror and see if we are fulfilling our plan in life or just «rolling around». And then moving from experimentation to accountability. Then, at 60 (changes in Social Security aside…), Saturn suggests switching from production to rest.

This is not the only transit with a strong influence (and “proper title”) in astrology. Have you ever heard of «Moon off course»?

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In the astrological definition, transit occurs when a planet in the sky passes through the same position in an individual birth chart planet. While making the movement, the star will be in transit. In personal life, scholars understand the phenomenon as indicative of in ends and beginnings, that is, sign inchange. To understand it, they associate the characteristics of the star with those of the house where it is located.

Some transits are fast, like those of the Moon, which can be “outside in course” on a sign for a few hours and, in theory, disturb the native’s life. Some reschedule important meetings or medical procedures with the help in astrological calendars found on the internet to escape the bad moon.

CONSULTANCY Rosa Di Maulo, astrologer
SOURCE Book The Astrology Bibleby Judy Hall

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