Can working out too much harm your health?

Yes. The human body is not prepared for the excess stress, wear and tear of overdoing bodybuilding – the so-called overtraining syndrome. This is a recurring problem in poorly informed people, according to coach Ricardo Branco. “People arrive at the gym wanting to get big overnight. One, two hours go by, or come several days in a row. But it’s not like that. The ideal body requires good rests, ”he says. Sometimes, overtraining can happen due to mere vanity or lack of knowledge. But, in some cases, it can set up a psychological disorder called vigorexia: despite having a good body, the person sees himself as fat or thin too much, and loses track of how much to knit. In this case, in addition to a good instructor, it is necessary to consult with a psychologist or therapist.

The most common injuries for overtraining sufferers are tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon, the final part of muscle that attaches to bone) and bursitis (inflammation of the bursa, a “pouch” close to bones and tendons, with a liquid that serves to absorb impacts). Bodybuilding too muchit makes it difficult to disinflame these areas, which can permanently wear them out.

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Now, imagine: the muscle is no longer recovering and, above all, it is experiencing weakness due to excessive training. If the person insists on work out, who will have to do the hard work? The bones! Exhausting movements and overload can generate fractures. Tibia and femur are usually the most affected, as the legs participate in all exercises.

Since stress is part of the body’s warning system, too much cortisol can lead to insomnia. To make matters worse, it is exactly during sleep that the main responsible for muscle recovery are usually produced: testosterone and GH (acronym for growth hormone). The low of these substances also facilitates the emergence of injuries.

Ever heard the saying “A healthy body, a healthy mind”? And truth. Physical exercise releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates our mood. But work out too much it won’t make you any happier. On the contrary: in excess, serotonin affects cognitive abilities and can even lead to depression. Furthermore, people “addicted” to work out show signs of irritability and anxiety.

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Frequent abuse can bring down the Immunity, since, during physical activity, muscles lose an essential amino acid for the defense system, glutamine. The heart can also go the other way: instead of becoming healthier, it can have difficulties in pumping and problems in its development, which would lead to heart murmurs or even heart attacks.

Exaggerated workout can increase the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. In excess, it causes a switch: to generate energy, the body begins to burn amino acids instead of carbohydrates. The result is every gym rat’s nightmare: without amino acids, muscle mass is not built and, with excess sugar, the fat accumulation. Among the consequences of increased cortisol are:
– increased belly fat
– increased stress and insomnia
– increased sugar levels
– increase in blood pressure

The experts’ recommendations
– Always consult an instructor or physical education professional
– Beginners should work out maximum 3 times a week and about 1 hour per session
– Try alternating exercise and rest days
– Avoid work out near bedtime
– Sleep well, preferably for at least 8 hours
– Eat well: bodybuilding without a proper diet does not work and can weaken the body. If possible, consult a nutritionist
– Be careful when trying to reduce stress in the gym: unfocused, you are more susceptible to doing the exercises without precision

CONSULTANCY Gabriel Azzini, sports doctor and orthopedist; Vanessa Lodi, sports nutritionist; Ricardo Branco, coach and teacher; and Renan Marinho Braga, pharmacist specialized in thermogenics

SOURCES Websites science, Globe Sports, My life It is Hypertrophy

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