What is the anatomy of the creature in the “Alien” franchise movies?

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It is between 0.5 and 1 m high and has an impact resistant shell. Internally, it is very vascularized, to oxygenate the embryo, which is fed by a nutritious material until hatching. When the creature senses the approach of a host, the top opens.

Face Hugger

Ejected from the egg, its function is to insert the xenomorph embryo into another organism:

1. Eight articulated tendons attach it to the host’s face.

two. A proboscis (like the «tongue» of a butterfly) deposits the alien down the throat.

3. The grabber’s tail wraps around the victim’s neck, cutting off airflow.

4. Through the airway, another tube injects just enough oxygen to keep her alive. When the transfer is complete and successful, the grabber naturally dies.

Chestbuster («Chestbuster»)

During gestation (which lasts only a few hours), the little alien feeds on blood and takes on certain characteristics of the host. In the movies, this genetic exchange generates the alien with two legs and six fingers on the upper limbs. When it is mature, with an elongated shape, about 30 cm, it violently leaves the body, exploding the ribcage.



It is a case where “cranial” size can directly correspond to intelligence. The xenomorph has a exceptional ability to learn and adapt to the environment. Can solve simple problems such as finding alternative routes or removing obstacles.

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It is a composite system. On the head part is an exoskeleton that protects it from shocks and projectiles. In the torso and legs, it is internal, to ensure support without affecting flexibility and balance.


Possesses an advanced predatory sense. But there is no consensus about his ocular capacity: movies, games and comics set in the Alien universe have already claimed that he “sees” with primitive eyes, through echolocation, electroreception or even the detection of pheromones emitted by humans.


Similar to an eel, it is kept in an appendage between the end of the mouth and the throat. It can pierce human flesh with ease by biting or bringing it into its main set of teeth. But it is through it (and not through the larger “mouth”) that the xenomorph feeds.


Its color is yellow-green, but its exact composition is still a mystery. It is known that it is extremely acidic, capable of corroding organic and inorganic materials with ease – and the creature has learned to willingly use it as a weapon. As it gushes intensely, blood pressure is believed to be high.


Their diet is carnivorous. Demonstrates pain when hit and seems to be afraid, especially when near the eggs. Some theories indicate that he may act based on a “hive” mentality, following orders issued by the Queen Mother.


Maximum stage of evolution of the species, the queen mother has a slightly different cycle. Its gestation with the face-grabber reaches a few days. Adult, reaches 6 m, with a larger head and crest to ensure extra protection. The lower part of the body is an ovipositor for reproduction. When spawning, a type of resin holds it in place, creating a “biomechanical throne”. But she can let go of the ovipositor if she feels threatened.

SOURCES Films Alien, aliens, Alien 3 It is Alien: The Resurrection; websites Aliens Wikia, How Stuff Works, AvP Wikia, Den of Geek, Alien Anthology Wikia It is AvPGalaxy

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