What is carbonated glycerin for, you’re going to want to use it now!

when they ask you What is carbonated glycerin used for?, surely the first thing you think of is that it uncovers the ears, and you’re right! But other uses would also be attributed to this substance.

When it comes to taking care of your health, you always resort to those little tricks from Grandma. At home, we’ve always been told that carbonated glycerin could help unclog ear plugs, but there are a couple of additional skin uses you could give it that aren’t as usual. We tell you everything here:

What is carbonated glycerin?

Basically it is a liquid alcohol (sometimes known as glycerol) that is chemically mixed with baking soda to later be used in cosmetic products and also to make different home treatments. Its obtaining is achieved through the process of distillation of vegetables. So you know it’s good quality, carbonated glycerin should always have a slimy texture.

What does glycerin cure?

This substance is part of several natural remedies since moisturizing and antibacterial properties are attributed to it. Among the most common uses for it is moisturizing the skin, relieving burns, providing the dermis with high amounts of fluid to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and obviously everyone’s favorite: helping with blockages in the ears either due to excess wax or accumulation of water in the ducts.

What is carbonated glycerin in the ear for?

It is the home remedy that is repeatedly used to unclog the ears. The reason why this chemical product would be infallible for this purpose is because it softens the earwax quickly, absorbing its moisture and managing to undo the plug to facilitate its expulsion in parts, or through an ear wash. The most used formula is carbonated glycerin drops, which are applied once or twice a day for a week.. Although this remedy is part of our popular culture, it is best to attend an appointment with a specialist to find out his opinion.

What is carbonated glycerin for on the skin?

Another quality that would be given to carbonated glycerin would be to retain the natural moisture of the skin. Many people with dry skin use a coconut oil mask to hydrate it and others use products such as glycerin soaps to firm the skin. This product could be useful when carrying out treatments to prevent or combat dry acne (the one in which the skin flakes). For this purpose you could apply a few drops of glycerin on the skin or dissolve it with any medication (creams or ointments) that you use regularly and massage for 10 minutes. Later remove with cold water.

Properties of glycerin on hair

In case you suffer from the appearance of dandruff due to dry hair or weakness in your hair, carbonated glycerin in some cases could help you. This substance would be able to moisturize the scalp, as well as strengthen the roots of the hair. One way that would help you obtain these benefits is to mix water and glycerin in equal parts in a container, for later apply to hair once or twice a week when you are bathing.

Benefits of glycerin for your health

Actually, glycerin has a very common use in homes around the world. There are those who believe that it could prevent facial sagging and even reactivate collagen production and look younger. The truth is that it only serves your cosmetic health and under no circumstances should you consume it or mix it with drinks such as water or juices because it could be toxic.

What is carbonated glycerin in drops for?

To reap its benefits, you should apply glycerin daily for at least a week. This would help your ears to eliminate blockages, although it would also hydrate certain parts of the dermis in its upper layers. Its application is direct on the ear or areas of the skin that do not suffer risk of irritation such as eyes, nose or mouth.

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