There is no ranking that compares the level of pollution on beaches across the country and, even joining the measurement results of each coastal state, it is impossible to arrive at a national table because the states do not use the same measurement parameters. Also, beach conditions change a lot from one week to the next. For this reason, what state environmental control bodies usually do is assess how many times in a certain period the beaches offered improper conditions for bathing. All follow the criteria established by the National Council for the Environment (Conama), which considers inappropriate a beach that has at least 2,500 fecal coliforms or 2,000 Escherichia coli (a type of bacteria) or 400 enterococci (another bacteria) in every 100 ml of water. The problem is that some states are guided only by the number of coliforms, others by the amount of E. coli or even by a mixture of all of them. For that reason, here on the side, we show which are the trashiest beaches in each state, without comparing them.
See which are the beaches that presented the worst results in each state
Two stretches were unsuitable in 100% of last year’s evaluations: Maragogi beach (in Maragogi), in front of the mouth of the Persinunga river, and Jatiúca beach (in Maceió), in front of the Hotel Jatiúca
The worst spot is on Perpétuo Socorro beach, in the capital Macapá, rated as inappropriate in 80% of the analyses.
The worst stretch in the 2006 set of measurements is in Salvador, on Pedra Furada beach, behind the Sagrada Familia Hospital – inappropriate in 68% of the evaluations
Ceará and Pará
Ceará and Pará were the only ones that did not provide data on their beaches until the closing of this edition.
Holy Spirit
The only inappropriate stretch of beach in 100% of the analyzes is on Jacaraípe beach, in Serra
In 2006 there was no monitoring of the beaches in Maranhão
The worst evaluation went to Maceió beach, in Pitimbu, inappropriate in 62% of the evaluation bulletins
Seven beaches were evaluated as inappropriate in 100% of the measurements in the summer of 2006. They are: Ponta da Pita and Rio do Nunes (in Antonina); Nhundiquara and Marumbi (in Morretes); Direita do Trapiche (at Encantadas beach, in Paranaguá); Camping Street (in Matinhos); Right of the Stream (Prainha, in Guaratuba)
The dirtiest stretch is on Praia do Farol, in Olinda, on the corner of Rua do Farol and Rua Farias Neves Sobrinho. All 47 on-site reviews found it inappropriate
No beach was considered inappropriate
Rio de Janeiro
27 stretches of beaches in the state were considered inappropriate in more than 50% of last year’s analyses. But the champion in terms of the amount of fecal coliforms is Botafogo beach, in the south of the capital.
Rio G. do Norte
The most polluted beach is the Pium resort, in Parnamirim, rated as unsuitable in 43 out of 44 assessments in 2006
Rio G. do Sul
Eight excerpts were inappropriate in more than half of the evaluations. Six of them are in the city of Pelotas, one in Cidreira and one in Torres.
Santa Catarina
15 stretches of beach were considered unsuitable in 100% of the 2006 assessments. Nine are in Florianópolis: Matadouro, José Mendes, Jardim Atlântico, Bom Abrigo, Ponta das Canas, Balneário, Beira-mar Norte, Armação do Pântano Sul and Lagoa da Conceição (at two points)
São Paulo
The worst rating on the coast of São Paulo went to Gonzaguinha beach, in São Vicente (96% of inappropriate ratings in the last survey released)
Three stretches of beach were assessed as inappropriate in all analyses: Bairro Industrial and 13 de Julho beach, in Aracaju, and Siri beach, in Nossa Senhora do Socorro