Why do we lose tan?


1. In the deepest layers of epidermis (the most “outer” part of the skin), there are specialized cells called melanocytes. They are the ones that produce a pigment known as melanin, which gives our natural color. The more melanocytes you have naturally, darker it’s your skin.

two. the intense exhibition in the sun activates the body’s defense mechanisms. One of them is that red and burning tone – a sign that there was a skin inflammation. Another is increased melanin production so that the pigment absorbs harmful radiation and prevents it from reaching deeper layers. comes the tanned!

3. The skin, however, renew constantly – all cells are exchanged within a period of 30 It is 90 days (even if you don’t sunbathe). The cells with the tan melanin migrate from the deepest layer to the most superficial and naturally flake off (eliminating, with you, the pigment).

4. Usually, this process it is not visible with the naked eye. But, as solar radiation also increases the total number of superficial cells that die, the peeling becomes more evident (that’s when you get «peeling“). A tip: ingesting foods like papaya, carrots, pumpkin, parsley and mango intensify the tan.

– What is the maximum and minimum level that the body temperature can reach?


– Avoid the sun between 10 am and 4 pm. Whenever possible, use sunscreen. Excessive exposure can cause skin cancer;

– Our “swimsuit brand” remains even without sunbathing because the total elimination of melanin cells takes time.

CONSULTANCY: Alexandre Filippo, dermatologist and member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery, Claudia Sá, dermatologist, Ediléia Bagatin, professor in the department of dermatology at Unifesp, and Gabriela Casabona, dermatologist at Hospital Samaritano in São Paulo.

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