How is Chanukah celebrated?

(Pablo Maia/Strange World)

Call of Hanukkah in English-speaking countries, this jewish feast hard eight days and, although it usually happens in December, it has no connection with Christmas. Its origin is older. In 165 BC, the Maccabees (a group of Jews) managed to expel the Greeks who dominated Jerusalem. But the local temple was destroyed. The Menorah, the traditional eight-branched candelabrum, was about to go out. There was only oil to keep it lit for one day. But, thanks to a miracle, the fuel lasted for eight days – long enough to produce more oil.

Wheel, top!
Some families give coins to children – a custom derived from another Jewish date, Purim, and influenced by the Christian tradition of Christmas gifts. The little ones also play with the dreidel, a four-sided spinning top. Each face has an initial of the phrase “Gimel Nun Hei Shin” (“Great miracle happened there”). The dreidel is played and bullets are bet on which letter will fall.

flames of faith
On the eve of the first day of Chanukah, the first Chanukah candle is lit (a special type of Menorah, with a separate space to accommodate the candle that lights the others). While it burns, chants and blessings are recited – and no one is allowed to leave the room. The next day, two candles are lit, and so on until eight are completed.

divine fry
Although not as important as Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Chanukah is one of the most popular holidays among Jews. are served sufganiots (a sweet similar to the dream) and latkes (Potato Pastries). Both are fried in oil – an allusion to the miracle that kept the Menorah lit.

CONSULTANCY Cecília Ben David, pedagogical coordinator of the Center for Jewish Culture in São Paulo, and Rabbi Uri Lam, from the Congregação Israelita Paulista

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