Why do they cut the Doberman’s ears and tail?

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Mainly for aesthetic reasons. “Some people think that cropping the ears and tail makes the animal prettier and at the same time gives it a more aggressive appearance,” says dog trainer Sheila Niski. But there are other reasons. Veterinarians recommend docking the tail because in the first third of it there is a gland that can become inflamed. Also, because it is too long, the tail can be injured when it hits a wall or becomes entangled in a fence. Ear cropping, in turn, emerged a long time ago in Europe, when the dog was used to care for sheep. The bears that attacked the herds used to tear the ears of the shepherd Dobermans with paws. With the owners making their dogs ears shorter, this problem was avoided. Nowadays, both mutilations are falling into disuse and cosmetic ear surgery, known as otectomy, is already prohibited in several European countries, such as Germany and England.

The Doberman breed emerged at the end of the 19th century, developed by the German tax collector Louis Dobermann, who decided to create a brave dog that would accompany him on his collections. It is believed that the Doberman is the result of a cross between the Alano, German Shepherd, Rottweiler and Pinscher dogs.