Infographic: Speed ​​Racer’s Mach 5 car

(Samuel Leme/)

(Samuel Leme/)


Power – 5,000 hp
Maximum speed – 350 km/h
Streaming – 6 gears

(Samuel Leme/)

Button A – Hydraulic Jack (Auto Jack)

Drives four legs that lift the car. It is used both for maintenance and for jumping obstacles when moving.

Button B – Adhesive strap (Belt Tires)

Traction control system that covers the tires with a super grippy belt and allows the Mach 5 to run on any type of terrain (wet track, snow or mud), in addition to distributing power equally to all four wheels

Button C – Chainsaws (Cutter Blades)

Good for removing obstacles such as bushes and trees. They are often used when Speed ​​Racer is forced by his rivals to leave the track and follow alternative paths.

Button D – Protective glass (Deflector)

The mechanism seals the car’s cockpit with ultra-resistant glass that protects the driver from gunfire and impact. Also allows underwater use

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E Button – Special Illumination (Illuminating Eye)

For the night. When used with the helmet, which is equipped with a special visor, it allows infrared vision. Control can be with both headlights or with just one

F Button – Submarine Mode (Frogger Mode)

Function associated with button D, which seals the car. The cockpit closes and is supplied with oxygen, which flows from a tank. The supply has a capacity of 45 kg of O , enough for up to half an hour underwater. The button also activates a periscope that scans the surface – the images are displayed on a screen on the panel.

G Button – Homing Robot Pigeon (Go Homing Robot)

The mechanism ejects, through an opening in the hood, a kind of pigeon-shaped drone. Throughout the episodes, the gadget was used to carry messages (written and recorded) and small objects. You can also take aerial photos using an attached camera.

H Button – Robot Control (Home)

Only button that is not on the steering wheel, but between the seats. It is a control that sends the robot bird to a pre-programmed point, usually the Racer family home. The small joystick on the panel serves to control the drone.

TdF suggested – Henry Maux

SOURCES Book Speed ​​Racer: The Official 30th Anniversary Guide, by Elisabeth Moran; Anime News Network and Tatsunoko Productions websites

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