What is the difference between priest, bishop and chaplain?


Priest, bishop and chaplain are just some of the various positions in which the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is divided, which has the pope as its supreme leader. This series of ecclesiastical positions also includes the deacon, the vicar, the archbishop and the cardinal, in a hierarchical structure that would make the military envious. The chain of command of the Catholic Church is based on territorial division, which has the parish as its main unit. There is no certain number of inhabitants to form a parish, but, in general, it covers a minimum group of 10,000 to 15,000 people, which can represent a neighborhood, in a large metropolis, or a small town. Usually each parish has a mother church and, depending on its size, several chapels. Parishes are further grouped into larger territorial units such as dioceses and archdioceses. As the religious rises in the hierarchy, the greater the area under his control.

To regulate relations between the various levels of power there is Canon Law, a code of special law for religious. In day-to-day administration, each church must generate revenue to cover the costs of its own running. About a third of the expenses are covered by the tithe, a tribute that the faithful pay to the church as a religious obligation. The remainder comes from collections made at masses and fees charged for ceremonies such as weddings. Each church still needs to give 10% of the money it earns to the archdiocese it belongs to. What if there is not enough collection? In this case, there is an intervention by the archdiocese, which can even change the priest to improve administration.

From the Seminary to Rome Religious career has several stages leading to the papacypope

The Supreme Pontiff is the highest authority of the Catholic Church and lives in the Vatican, an independent state nestled in the middle of the city of Rome, Italy. The pope is seen as a representative of God on Earth and appoints cardinals and bishops


It is an honorific title. A bishop only becomes cardinal when he is appointed directly by the pope. The cardinals form the electoral college which, in a closed meeting in Rome, suggests and chooses the name of the Supreme Pontiff.


It is from this hierarchical level that the religious receives the title of “Dom” to be used before his name. The bishop is also responsible for the command of one of the dioceses that form an archdiocese.


He is a religious who is in the last of the seven years of studies (on average) that lead to a clerical career. The deacon can now perform some religious celebrations, such as baptisms and weddings


It is the student who attends the seminary, the educational institution where future priests are formed. But, even before being ordained a deacon or priest, a seminarian can already assist a parish priest in the administrative part of the church

altar boy

It is a boy, usually a catechism student, who offers to help prepare for Mass. Before participating in this type of ceremony, the altar boy receives guidance on how the entire ritual works.


He is the direct superior of the bishops and commands an archdiocese, that is, a group of dioceses, which in turn are formed by several parishes. In Brazil, each capital of the country has an archdiocese headed by an archbishop

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parish priest

Popularly called a priest, he is responsible for a parish. He performs the religious services (such as saying mass) at his mother church, but he also manages the other chapels that are in the area of ​​his parish. The vicar is a kind of deputy to the parish priest, who can replace the titular priest in his absence.


A chapel is a small church, which may be part of a parish or within private property, such as a farm, or within a public area, such as a hospital or barracks. The chaplain is responsible for the religious service of a chapel


Community members can also contribute to the day-to-day running of a church. So-called lay people help with church services; the minister (or minister) of the eucharist takes a course and receives guidance to help with the distribution of hosts; the sacristan is a paid employee, who takes care of cleaning the altar and other tasks

Friar, monk & Co. The form of treatment of the religious also depends on the order to which he belongs

Not everyone who embraces the Catholic religious life is ordained a priest. Many choose to be part of orders and congregations, that is, religious communities that have specific rules and obligations – such as the vow of poverty practiced by the Franciscans. The members of these groups who live isolated in monasteries are usually called monks – whose hierarchical superior is the abbot. The terms frei e frade (which mean brother) and nun (sister) are normally adopted as a form of address in orders or congregations that do not keep religious people so isolated.


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– How and when did the first pope appear?

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