Where does the “ceiling height” come from to indicate the height from the ceiling to the floor?

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This is yet another mystery with several possible solutions. In concrete, it is known that the expression is a Brazilian exclusivity, which was already used by architects and engineers in the colonial period to designate the wooden piles that supported the structures of a building. “The very meaning of the words reinforces this hypothesis. ‘Foot’ also means tree; ‘straight’ also means plumb, at right angles. Over time, the space from ceiling to floor began to be called ‘ceiling height’, which in turn depended on the size of the wooden support that supported the construction”, says architect Carlos Lemos, from the University of São Paulo (USP) and author of the Dictionary of Brazilian Architecture. Another common interpretation is that the expression would be a synonym for “right time”. In the measurement system, a “foot” is a unit that corresponds to 30.48 centimeters. In this case, “right” would be used in the sense of right, to indicate the usual floor-to-ceiling measurement that prevailed in a region.

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“In the city of São Paulo, for example, the Building Code establishes a minimum ceiling height of 2.5 meters. Only in the garages is a lower height allowed, of 2.3 meters”, says another architect, Edson Elito, member of the superior council of the Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil. This measure, an essential reference for projects in environments with good lighting and ventilation, was much larger in other times. Until the 1950s, the ceiling height was around 3 meters, but it decreased from the 1960s onwards, with the population explosion in Brazil. “The high ceiling guarantees a more pleasant environment. But, with the increase in the number of constructions, contractors reduced the measure to multiply the number of apartments”, says Edson.

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