What is the most expensive fabric dye in history?

AND The called tyrian purple, a hue in purple from the city in Tyre, Lebanon. Ancient texts reveal that, in some places in Asia Minor, its price was equivalent to The its weight in gold. That’s because its raw material was very rare. she was made in a milky secretion extracted from snails of the species murexfrom the Mediterranean Sea.

To produce just 1 g of dyeit took about in thousand of these animals. It is estimated that, today, 1 kg in tissue in cotton dyed with The Tyrian purple would be worth $25,000! Check out the three most expensive dyes below.

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(Jean Magalhães)


feedstock: snails murex

in Constantinople It is in ancient Rome, there were even laws that reserved this purple exclusively for the clothes of nobles. The Roman emperor Nero punished anyone who violated this rule with death. It is he styled himself a “porphyrogenitus” – a sovereign born in the purple.

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(Jean Magalhães)


feedstock: Plantas suffruticosa indigo

A older dye used by man too It is The second most expensive – in the 15th century, the price corresponded The its weight in silver. Dyers in Japan used this blue to color kimonos for royalty in the 17th century. It is 19. Decades later, its synthetic version painted the first jeans. In the Renaissance, paintings in indigo were symbol in status.

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(Jean Magalhães)


feedstock: insects dactylopius coccus

During the Spanish conquests in the 15th century It is 16, this intense red looted from the Aztecs was the second article in most valuable export in Latin America (second only to The silver). It became one of the favorite tones of the Catholic clergy. It is The official uniform color of the british royal guard.

CONSULTANCY Patricia Sant’Anna, teacher in fashion history at Unicamp, Silvia da Costa, textile engineer at USP, It is Coordination team inTechnological Development It is Senai Cetiqt Innovation

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