What is the Satanist religion like?



Like other religions, there are several strands with different versions of Satanism. The most traditional is Church of Satan, created on April 30, 1966, by Anton LaVey, author of Satanic Bible. The date marks the beginning of the spring equinox (time of year when day and night are the same length).


Anton LaVey (1930-1997) was a musician, forensic photographer, and occult scholar. From his Eastern European grandmother he inherited an interest in black magic and superstition. but this aspect almost doesn’t exist in the Church of Satan – he says he founded it on his own initiative, without invoking any spirit or demon.


Satanists do not believe in God. But they also don’t believe in the Devil, as one would imagine. He is considered an invention of Christianity. The focus of belief is on the individual: each is «his own god» and «his own demon.» The best thing to do is enjoy life to the fullest, without the typical guilt common in many other religions.


Despite being a church, there are no rituals – no wedding, mass or baptism. By the way, Satanists do not believe in baptisms of children because they still do not have free will to choose the religion they want to follow. To convert to the Church, it is enough to read the basic books, such as the Satanic Bible, and agree to the rules. The sigil of Baphomet (the upside-down pentagram, which appears in the illustration above) has no ritualistic value, but is present at the headquarters of the Church of Satan.

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Satanism does not encourage «evil». But it places personal freedom and pursuit of pleasure Above all. The practitioner must treat others as they treat him: kindness begets kindness, but if evil rolls in he can retaliate in kind. In addition Satanic Bible encourages the search for wisdom: the individual must always study, broaden horizons, get to know different ideas, so as not to be trapped in illusions.


A Satanic Bible is not considered sacred, like the Bible is for Christians and Log for the Jews. It’s just a text with the guidelines and commandments of this philosophy of life. She is divided into book of satan, Book of Lucifer, Book of Belial It is Book of Leviathan. Each addresses a subject, such as love, hate, sex, beliefs and rules of life.


There are no official holidays. Since the focus of faith is on the individual, the most important date is the practitioner’s birthday. He can also adopt festivals from other religions (such as Christmas), if he so chooses. Others special dates are linked to nature: many Satanists celebrate the equinoxes, the solstices (time of year with the longest daylight period) and Halloween (whose origin is linked to the harvest season).

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the nine commandments

1. Satan is indulgence, not abstinence

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two. Satan represents vital existence and not spiritual idealizations.

3. Satan represents pure wisdom and not hypocritical self-deception.

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it and not to the ungrateful.

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek

6. Satan represents responsibility for those responsible rather than concern for psychic vampires.

7. Satan represents man as just an animal (sometimes better, sometimes worse than those that walk on all fours), who, because of his «spiritual and intellectual development», has become the most perverse of all.

8. Satan represents all so-called sins, as they all lead to mental, emotional or physical rewards.

9. Satan has been the Church’s best friend [cristã] ever had, because you kept it running all these years

the nine sins

1. Stupidity

two. pretentiousness

3. Solipsism (the belief that there is nothing beyond individual experience)

4. self-deception

5. extreme compliance

6. lack of perspective

7. Forget the manipulations of the past

8. counterproductive pride

9. lack of aesthetics

CONSULTANCY Citizen Jared McGhee, agent of the Church of Satan

SOURCES Church of Satan website; books The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton Szandor LaVey by Blanche Barton and Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism by Ruben van Lui

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