Inside the Doctor Who TARDIS

the cabin

– There are several types of TARDIS. The Doctor’s is a Type 40 model, known to have some operational defects.

– TARDIS are living creatures, with consciousness and personality. They are not built, they grow.

– Chameleon circuitry allows the TARDIS to disguise itself as anything – once broken, it always looks like a 1960s police box

– The ship is surrounded by a breathable bubble, allowing its doors to be opened in space

– The material is extremely resistant. Withstands gunfire, lasers, fire, electricity and other threats

– The system is capable of projecting, from the outside, a holographic interface in the shape of a person

the controls

1) Temporal rotor – Rotates to lock the coordinates in the navigation system

2) Console room – It is the main environment and from where the Tardis is piloted. Throughout the lives of the 13 Doctors, the design changed a few times. But the Tardis has archived copies of every room – both past and future.

3) The Heart of the Tardis – It’s the soul of the ship. Made of pure energy, it is responsible for keeping the occupants in the same timeline as the outside environment at the time the Tardis materializes. If a human looks directly into the Heart of the Tardis, he will gain the powers of a god – and then die, unable to withstand the energy.

4) The Eye of Harmony – An exploding star on the verge of becoming a black hole, taken out of its orbit and placed in a state of permanent stasis. It is the power source of the Tardis.

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Some rooms of the TARDIS

Using technology from the Time Lords, the TARDIS is gigantic on the inside – «infinite», according to the 11th Doctor. Nobody knows how many rooms there are and how far the corridors go.

the console


1) Navigation Panel – processes and displays information, which can be passed to monitors above the console

two) Auxiliary control panel – activate secondary and backup systems

3) Temporal panel – manually adjusts the time coordinates, allowing system errors to be corrected by the Doctor

4) Communication Panel – serves to send and receive information and coordinates to all parts of the TARDIS

5) Control Panel – controls the engines and allows the Doctor to manually maneuver the TARDIS through time and space

6) Mind Panel – this new controller, with holes in place of buttons, allows the Doctor to interact directly with the TARDIS’s mind

SOURCES Book Doctor Who The Visual Dictionarymagazine Doctor Who Adventures #303 and website

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