Who are the ten most wanted criminals in the world?

In this list put together by the FBI, the Federal Investigation Agency of the United States, there are terrorists, murderers, drug dealers, rapists… In short, only nice people. If you think that a good bandit is a dead bandit, you might change your mind: the reward for living fugitives is violent!


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – May 2006

Warren was the leader of a sect with over 10,000 followers in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The problem is that the guy preached polygamy and was fanatical about little girls, incest and other oddities. It is suspected that the «prophet», wanted for rape and sexual relations with minors, financed his escape with donations from the faithful.

Fun fact – Warren would have over 70 wives, including a bunch of widows of his father, founder of the sect.


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – March 2005

In the ranking, if the amount of the reward is the same (this happens, for example, from 10th to 5th place), the criminal that has been on the list for the longest time is considered the most wanted. Jorge is in ninth position because of a 2002 crime. The Mexican shot dead his girlfriend Becky and her two children, and would have lollipoped for Mexico.

Curiosity – Crime of passion is suspected. Jorge was married to another woman and Becky was thinking of breaking up with him.


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – June 2002

This 45-year-old American lived well in the state of Arizona until April 2001, when the guy freaked out: he shot his wife Mary Jean in the head and slit the throats of their children Britney and Robert Jr., aged 12 and 10, respectively. After putting an end to the family, Fisher burned down his own house with the bodies inside. The only one spared was the dog, which the killer insisted on taking with him on the run.

Curiosity – At the end of 2005, a profile with the name and photos of Robert Fisher was created on the MySpace relationship site, similar to orkut. No one knows if it was a prank or not…


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – June 2002

Despite having been president of a shooting club in Long Beach, in the United States, Richard’s crimes have nothing to do with firearms. He is yet another criminal involved in crimes of sexual origin. The maniac, who is now 60 years old, abused girls under the age of 10 in California – and on top of that he filmed everything to store on his personal computer!

Curiosity – The tiebreaker between the pedophile and the murderer in the previous item is age. Richard took the lead because we felt that the older the fugitive, the more difficult it was to evade the FBI.


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – December 1996

We come to the slickest runaway on the list! Glen’s first escape took place in 1987, while he was serving a 26-year sentence for murder in a maximum security prison in California. Recaptured the same year for drug trafficking, he was sent to a prison in Guadalajara, Mexico. In 1991, the guy killed a cellmate and guess what? Gets out of chess again!

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Fun fact – As Glen is fluent in Spanish, it is suspected that he is traveling in Latin America dealing drugs.


Reward – 210 thousand reais

Wanted Since – May 1981

This 74-year-old American was a lowly jewelry store robber until he ran a red light in a small town in Pennsylvania. A policeman stopped Donald’s car, and the two got into a fight. Donald was shot in the arm, but managed to knock the officer down and fire two fatal shots. The criminal was never found – some suspect he died soon after the fight.

Curiosity – Since the FBI began releasing its ten most wanted, in 1950, no criminal has stayed on the list as long as Donald.


Reward – 2.1 million reais

Wanted Since – August 1999

At 76, James is the oldest criminal on the list – and he’s also the most versatile: He’s wanted for murder, extortion, narcotics distribution and (whew!) money laundering. Known for his violent temper, James was one of the most influential names in the Boston mafia, where he commanded a gang specializing in extortion and drug trafficking.

Fun Fact – The old man was last seen in London in 2002. One guy recognized the fugitive on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list he saw in the movie Hannibal.


Reward – 2.1 million reais

Wanted Since – May 1984

An old-fashioned thief was missing! In 1983, Victor stole 7 million dollars from an insurance company in the US state of Connecticut in the United States. On the occasion, he sedated and handcuffed two company employees to “withdraw” the jackpot. But he didn’t kill anyone.

Fun fact – Due to his Puerto Rican origin, it is suspected that Victor fled to Puerto Rico or Cuba.


Reward – 10.6 million reais

Wanted Since – May 2004

This Colombian has a very successful “career” in his line of business, drug trafficking. It is estimated that Diego is responsible for the production and distribution of at least 30% of the cocaine consumed in the United States.

Curiosity – Diego is one of the heads of the violent North Valley Cartel, in Colombia. He is currently suspected to be under the protection of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a far-right paramilitary group.


Reward – 57 million reais

Wanted Since – June 1999

If you think that Osama became the most wanted guy on the planet because of the 3,000 deaths in the attacks of September 11, 2001, you will be surprised to learn that the FBI has been after him since 1998. He is accused of bombing US embassies United States in Tanzania and Kenya, killing more than 200 people. After that, no one imagined that a fugitive terrorist could cause so much damage with a new attack – even more so within the United States…

Curiosity – The United States has an old connection with the leader of Al Qaeda. During the cold war, the CIA, the American intelligence service, trained the Saudi and his commanders to protect Afghanistan from attacks by the former Soviet Union. If regrets could kill…

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