Without a doubt, the animal that eats the most food per day is the blue whale, not by chance the largest animal on the planet. To keep her colossal body functioning, she eats around 8 tons of food daily, which corresponds to 5% of her total weight. Among land animals, the champion is the elephant, which abhors any kind of meat and gorges itself on grass and other vegetables. But these two can only be considered champions if we take into account the absolute amount of food. When the criterion is the ratio between the animal’s weight and food intake, the title of biggest eater in the world goes to a small mammal just 3.5 centimeters long, the pygmy shrew. Owner of 30 sharp teeth, he practically lives to eat. In the list of good fork species that you can see below, we left out insects, worms and other parasites, due to the scarcity of information about the “menu” of these animals.
Blue Whale
Scientific name – Balaenoptera musculus
Weight – 150 tons
How much you eat per day – 8 tons
Favorite Food – A small crustacean found in icy waters called krill
Blue whales spend the summer in polar waters and eat non-stop during this time. The puppies’ appetite is also impressive: they suck up to 600 liters of milk a day
pygmy shrew
Scientific name – Suncus etruscus
Weight – 2 grams
How much you eat per day – The equivalent of your own weight
Preferred food – Spiders, insects, worms and grubs
Found in Africa and Mediterranean Europe, this animal dies if it goes a few hours without eating. Lacking food, they devour each other.
Scientific name – Homo sapiens
Weight – 70 kg (adult)
How much you eat per day – About 1.5 kilos
Favorite food – Varied
The man is not so hungry and appears at the feast for comparison. Daily, he eats the equivalent of 2% of his weight
African elephant
Scientific name – Loxodonta africana
Weight – 9 tons
How much you eat per day – 100 kilos
Preferred food – grass, leaves, tree bark and roots
The largest of land mammals live in rainforests and savannas. When food is lacking, it can advance on crops. A puppy sucks up to 100 liters of milk a day