What is the difference between walrus, seal, sea lion and sea lion?


Reader question – Cosme da Rocha Melo Júnior, Rio Branco, AC

Although all are mammals and are connected to water, they have some physical characteristics that differentiate them. The confusion is understandable: lion and fur seal have so many traits in common that, in taxonomic classification, they belong to the same family, the Otoriidae. And both they and the seal belong to the same superfamily, the Pinnipedia. The walrus is outside this group and, for that very reason, is the most “different”. Check it out below.

Such small details of the four of us

Pay attention to the ears, fur and even the way they walk

Look at Zezé’s hair

The easiest way to identify a sea lion (Otaria byronia) is by the male’s mane, which gave the name to the species. It lives close to the poles and stays warm thanks to the fat stored in the body. It feeds on fish, molluscs, crustaceans, birds and young sea lions. It is predated mainly by humans, but also by whales and sharks.


The fur seal (Arctocephalus australi) is so named because it makes sounds that sound like a howl. Like its “relative”, the sea lion, it has ears (seals and walruses do not). This animal lives on small uninhabited islands, or in coastal areas, but sometimes it has to venture out to sea in search of food (usually fish, mussels and octopus).

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born to swim

The seal (Phoca vitulina) is an excellent swimmer, thanks to its shape and its ability to close its nostrils underwater. On dry land, it moves using glides and side bending of the body – quite different from wolves and sea lions, which use their front flippers. It belongs to the Phocidade family, has short hair and inhabits cold regions, such as Antarctica.

toothy and shaved

It is enough to notice the huge canines (used in hunting and locomotion) to distinguish the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). In addition, this member of the Odobenidae family has a very round head, wide snouts, heavy bodies and thick vibrissae (that “mustache” used to obtain tactile information). It is very sociable and the only one of these four species that does not have fur.

Sources: How Stuff Works and Infoescola consulting sites Cauê Monticelli, from Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, and Laura Reisfeld, from Aquário de São Paulo

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