Who lies more: men or women?

(Marcelo Meneses/)

ILLUSTRATES Marcelo Meneses

A survey by the Science Museum in London concluded that men lie more than women.
At least in England, they tell three fibs a day, on average, against two of them. In the USA, a research by the American psychologist Bella DePaula, from Harvard University, concluded that men and women lie with
The same frequency, but for different reasons. Men lie more to boast and get out of trouble. Women invent to relieve others, not themselves, of some suffering. “They both lie about different things and in different contexts. Lying is not so much a question of sex, but of character,” he says. Thepsychoanalyst Feb Stabenow, from the Federal University of Amazonas. A British research firm OnePoll surveyed 3,000 men and women and uncovered the top 10 lies told by each gender. Check the ranking in the illustration above.

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