What were the main types of gladiators?


There were at least six types of common gladiator and another two on horseback. The Thracians were unique in fighting with the sica, a curved sword. As they used a small shield, they also had metal plates to protect their legs. The plumed helmet was another trademark


Trained to face the retiarius, it was a well-protected “war tank”. It had a large rectangular shield and a smoother helmet (so as not to get caught in the retiarius’ net) and with small holes for the eyes (to avoid the trident’s points). His weapon was a sword


There are few records about this type of gladiator – historians are not even sure who he faced in the arenas. But because he only used two swords, some experts believe that the dimachaeri was one of the best trained gladiators.


He was the most agile and fastest type, but also the most defenseless, as he had little protection – he didn’t even wear a helmet. He took on «heavy» gladiators, such as the secutor, using only a net and a trident. To end the fight, he still had a dagger.


He was nicknamed “fishman” because he wore a helmet with a fish on the side. The weapons and protections were similar to those of the secutor, being able to vary the shield. Fights between Thracians, Murmillos and Retiarius were considered the true classics of the arenas.


It honored the warriors of the Greek phalanxes, so it carried a spear, which could be used together with a dagger or a sword. It had good body armor like the secutor, but it only needed to get around with a small circular shield.


On horseback, the Andabati faced each other with a helmet with a covered visor. That’s right, blind combat, without a shield and carrying only a sword! They were not on the same level as other gladiators and served more as «comic relief» during games.


Mounted gladiators far more serious than the andabati, fought each other with a spear and a medium circular shield. In some duels, they exchanged the spear for a sword. Equites could fight in pairs or groups – acting like a cavalry


Believe me: in the Roman Empire there were also fights between women. By the way, these duels were special events in the games schedule. Some researchers believe that, to “cheer up the crowd”, gladiators did not wear helmets and fought with at least one breast showing.



Sparing a gladiator’s life was the fight sponsor’s decision. But the crowd influenced. When shouting mass, she asked that the loser’s life be spared; when screaming jugula, she wanted to see the execution with a clear blow to the jugular!

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Few people know, but there was a kind of judge, who came into action when a gladiator was dominated. The so-called “judge” heard the final verdict from the sponsor of the games and the fans: whether the defeated fighter should be killed or spared


The fight ended when a gladiator died during combat. But, sometimes, the loser was dominated by the rival still alive. At these times, the gesture of surrender was to raise one of the arms with the index finger up. When that happened, the judge was triggered


Traditional weapons of Roman legionnaires were also successful in the arenas.


Intimidating weapon with the reach of a spear. The three ends also served to disarm the opponent – the blade of the rival’s sword was trapped between them.


It had a cut on both sides of the blade and an extremely sharp point. Like the gladius, it was part of the arsenal carried by Roman legionnaires.


Originally from Thrace – the region between the current border of Greece and Turkey -, it was a little lighter and longer than other swords of the time, allowing for quick cuts


It had weights on the edges, like a fishing net. It worked both to keep the opponent at a distance and to immobilize him when thrown at him.


A classic Roman sword, the gladius was not very long – it was about 70 cm. Ideal for mid-range fighting, it was both a slashing and piercing weapon.


In addition to this spear – the rod, which was longer -, there was also the pilo (a type of dart for throwing). The equites was the only gladiator who used the pilus

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