Can the penis «break» when it’s hard?


Literally not breaking, as the bilau has no bones. But that’s about it. If the hard penis is bent or bent, fracturing of the cavernous bodies – two cavities located on the sides of the penis that fill with blood during erection – can occur. “During the fracture, a relatively elastic membrane that surrounds the corpora cavernosa ruptures,” says urologist Paulo Rocha, from Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Curitiba (PR). The penis, when flaccid, can be bent, turned and twisted. But erect, it is not very flexible and therefore subject to shocks that can rupture the membrane. “When it breaks, the subject can even hear a crack”, says the doctor. Damage is ugly. Before long, the penis – and sometimes the sac as well – turns purple due to internal bleeding caused by the ruptured membrane. After a day or two, the poor thing may turn black. “This is the natural evolution of the color of the blood under the skin”, says Paulo. The good news is that over the next few days, the membrane almost always heals on its own. But sex again, only after a month.

unhappy club Accident happens if the guy misses the aim and hits the bilau on something hard

1 – That’s right, my friend: the “bilausic fracture” can happen in several situations. For example, during the rala-e-roll, when the man takes the hard penis out of the vagina and tries a new penetration, the cock can bend abruptly if it encounters an obstacle, such as the girl’s thigh or groin.

2 – At the time of the crash, the tunica albuginea — the membrane that surrounds the corpora cavernosa — breaks. Despite the discomfort (victims say that the pain is not that great), you can even continue having sex until the end, but the ideal is to hold the wave and take the first steps right away

3 – After the fracture, the blood that was dammed in the corpora cavernosa leaks and infiltrates under the skin, from the pubis to the sac. There is then an internal hemorrhage. When the penis softens, the leakage subsides, but the “document” begins to turn purple due to the accumulation of blood


Applying ice to the site helps to stop internal bleeding and deflate the sore throat. In general, the membrane heals with sexual abstinence for at least one month. When the damage is greater, it may be necessary to cut the friend open to drain the excess blood. A very strong blow can curve the penis forever or compromise the erection mechanism. But these sequels are very rare.

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