6 bizarre (and shocking!) crimes committed by minors


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A 4-year-old Saudi boy really wanted a PlayStation. But very much. Seriously: a lot. To the point of not being able to bear the frustration of his father’s refusal, for whom electronics were more appropriate from adolescence onwards. The boy insistently asked for the video game, but the gift never arrived. One day the little lost patience.(Because, at age 4, life can be really stressful, right?)

According to General Abdel Rahman al Zahani, who coordinated the investigation into the case, the little boy killed his father with a single and accurate headshot. The child would have taken advantage of a moment of carelessness of the family to commit the crime, when the father left his pistol on the dining table, while changing in the bedroom. Yeah, video games couldn’t, but firearms within reach…

The autopsy of the body concluded that the father’s death was instantaneous. Several surveys around the world contest the possible relationship between prolonged exposure to violent video games, such as fighting or war games, and the adoption of aggressive behaviors among children, adolescents and adults. Anyway, the Saudi boy surprised the world by killing his father for a video game he still didn’t have.


A 17-year-old minor dismembered his mother in São Paulo, in 2014, because she insisted that he collaborate with the household chores. According to the police, the man was neither working nor studying. When the mother asked her to wash the dishes, the boy attacked her with eight stab wounds, three to the torso, three to the neck and two to the back.With the help of his girlfriend, aged 15, and a friend, aged 19, the boy dismembered the body and scattered the pieces across vacant lots. According to neighbors, the teenager was a Satanist.

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Teenagers can be very dramatic, but 15-year-old Hughstan Schilicker went too far. The boy lived with his family in Mesa, Arizona, and was depressed for no apparent reason. When the student posted on MySpace that he intended to kill himself, Ted, the boy’s father, thought he needed to take action. he decided then delete child profile and temporarily banned him from using the computer.

“When he did that, it was like he stabbed me,” Hughstan told police after being arrested for killing his father. Look at the drama. And that was just the beginning. Without access to the internet, the boy thought of a breathtaking plan to teach his executioner a definitive lesson. he decided that would kill himself in front of his father, to leave you forever guilty.

At the time, however, Hughstan changed his mind and used the family shotgun to murder the old man at once. The plan was to kill himself afterwards. But the teenager lost his nerve and changed his mind once more. Faced with his dead father, he decided to stay alive. Not knowing how to deal with the situation, he called a friend, who convinced him to notify the police. Hughstan has been indicted for murder and will be tried as an adult. The worst thing is that, in jail, the teenager will continue without internet.

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The Japanese boy Seisaku Nakamura was born deaf in 1924 and did not lead an easy life. He is said to have suffered mistreatment from his family throughout his childhood, despite being an excellent student at school. Seisaku had an obsession: Japanese films in which murders with swords. It is not known whether the movies or domestic violence were the biggest influence for this CDF to become a child killer. The fact is that, in five years, he would have killed between 9 and 11 people with stab wounds, including his brother.

At 14, Seisaku tried to rape two girls, which he ended up killing. In the following years, killed other people, including children, and went back to trying to rape women and a girl, always without success. In 1941, he killed his brother, and wounded his father, sister, sister-in-law, and nephew. It is believed that many of his crimes were omitted from the records, so as not to alarm the public in the midst of World War II.

Seisaku was finally arrested in 1942. That same year, her father committed suicide, perhaps because of public embarrassment. Even with the testimony of doctors who attested to his insanity, Seisaku was sentenced to death. He was executed, by hanging, in 1943, aged 19. No spades at the end.

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Barry Dale Lukaitis was 14 and didn’t like math. If you are identifying with this boy, stop now. Instead of simply skipping school, Barry went to high school in Moses Lake, Washington, dressed as a cowboy, carrying a rifle and two revolvers. In the fifth period of that morning in 1996, he entered the algebra classroom and opened fire on the class, killing two classmates and injuring a girl. Barry then shot the teacher, Leona Claires, in the chest.

When the other students looked at the gunman in terror, Barry said, «This is much better than algebra, isn’t it?», a phrase that was taken by the press as a quote from the book Furyby Stephen King, originally published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. In the work, the protagonist invades the school armed and shoots the mathematics teacher. It cannot be said that the literature teacher was proud.

Barry’s plan was to take one of his classmates hostage so he could leave the school without being arrested. Trainer Jon Lane, who heard the shots and entered the room, offered to accompany the gunman, who ended up subdued until the police arrived. Barry was sentenced to two life imprisonments, plus an additional penalty of 205 years. He must be behind bars right now, trying to make that account.


During the trial in which they were sentenced to indefinite detention, two brothers from the city of Edlington, in the north of England, confessed to the judge that tortured two other children with sticks, stones, bricks, shards of glass and fire for 90 minutes, just because they are bored. The attackers and victims, who have not been identified, were between 10 and 12 years old when the incident took place in 2009.

The older defendant told the court that the violence only ended because he and his brother’s arms were tired. The torture session took place when the brothers convinced two friends to accompany them to a vacant lot for a game. With no one around who could hear your screams, the guests were surrendered and assaulted.

In addition to throwing sticks, stones and bricks at the victims, the brothers forced the youngest child to undress and simulate a sexual act. They still hit a sink of dishes on the head of the oldest. As if that wasn’t enough, they set pieces of plastic on fire and threw them over the boys, causing burns. The victims survived and the attackers were found guilty of robbery, assault and attempted murder.

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