Why do dogs eat grass from time to time?


To improve your digestive process. “It is normal behavior and should not cause concern”, says veterinarian Mauro Lantzman, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Although they are not vegetarians, dogs, as well as other carnivorous animals such as cats, wolves and foxes, have this habit. “The fiber present in the grass ingested by the dog both improves its intestinal transit and causes vomiting in case the animal has ingested some food that was not good for it”, says Mauro. This happens because vegetables have the ability to irritate the canine stomach and provoke rejection of what is causing nausea and pain, such as inappropriate and spoiled food. Cats can also eat grass to expel tufts of fur from their stomachs, ingested while licking their own bodies, through vomiting. The ingestion of soil by geeks and kittens is a characteristic symptom of deficiency of mineral salts (including calcium and phosphorus) in the diet.