5 stories from Brazilians about past lives and spiritual healing

The testimonials below were originally published in January 2018 in the special edition “My Supernatural Experience” of MUNDO ESTRANHO. They were provided by real people, who were interviewed by our reporters and authorized publication. check out

1) I got cured of terminal cancer

(Mauricio Planel/)

“In 2014, I had jaundice, which leaves the skin and eyes yellow and can be a symptom of some illnesses. I went to the doctor aware that something wasn’t right, but I wasn’t prepared for the news I received. The exams showed a tumor in the pancreas, an aggressive disease that is difficult to detect, since the organ is almost hidden in an abdominal cavity, behind the stomach.

So that there would be no doubt, the doctor said in as many words as possible that there was nothing more to be done and I had to accept death. I didn’t do it the first time. Even with that heartbreaking diagnosis, I decided to undergo surgery. Did not work. The surgeon opened my belly and concluded that there was nothing to be done there. I then began to accept that I would die. I had already lived my life and that really felt like the end of the line.

My family, on the contrary, did not welcome the idea. They are Catholics who attend Spiritist centers and have a lot of faith. They suggested an unconventional treatment and, as I didn’t have much to lose, I agreed to do it. It was already having a lot of difficulty walking and the fact that I could stay at home came in handy. The only thing I needed to do was listen to Spiritist programs on the radio and television.

mental exercises

In broadcasts, mediums prayed for listeners and asked us to mentalize positive and healing thoughts. They said that the spirits of doctors would enter our homes and help us heal pain and illness. I started dedicating many hours of the day to the process. My family sometimes accompanied me in prayers and, as everyone was healthy and unimpeded, they also went to spiritualist centers to ask for my healing.

Gradually, I started to feel a good energy inside the room during the programs. The days passed and, instead of dying, as expected, I started to regain my strength. I saw the stitches from the operation heal quickly and healthily and I began to sleep and eat better. In a few weeks, I felt better than I had in years. Above all, I felt a great peace.

medical miracle

I went back to my doctor for another appointment and did the tests he asked me to do. It was a mere accompaniment, after all, my days were numbered. But the result surprised everyone. The tests did not show any sign of the disease! I continued to be analyzed and nowhere was there any trace of the cancer. My body had regenerated and I was officially healed. The doctor and his colleagues refused to believe what they saw, especially after I told them that I only had the spiritual treatment.

Today I am very healthy. I’m sure that while I was concentrating on the mentalizations, I received help and started to come back to life. I attend a center regularly and, whenever I can, I tune the radio to one of the programs that healed me.”

Roberto de Oliveira is 70 years old, retired and has no more symptoms of the disease after the spiritual surgery. Testimony to Laíssa Barros.

2) I did a regression and fought like a viking

(Mauricio Planel/)

“I am a hypnotherapist and, in my work, I help other people to go into a trance to treat personal problems. Six months ago, I participated in a course to deepen myself in the technique. I never believed in past lives, so when the professor started talking about the subject, I shrugged. He proposed a regression experiment, and I was sure it wouldn’t work. I agreed to volunteer out of curiosity and the chance to prove my point of view: I’ve been an evangelical since I was 15 and, for me, life is one.

I went to the front of the room and sat down in a chair. The instructor proceeded to instruct me with his voice to put me in a state of mental relaxation. In this way, he led me to a time tunnel of my trajectory. In it, I first went back to my 14 years. Then up to 3. When I reached that point, he suggested that I not limit myself and continue visiting the past.

Visit to Manhattan

I followed at the same pace until, suddenly, a sequence of images began to pass through my vision very quickly. They were scenes from other times. It went on like this until I got to what felt like the 1940s. At that point I could look at myself from the outside and then I found myself in a city full of skyscrapers. I concluded it was New York. I wore a suit, carried a briefcase, and sported a bushy mustache. Cars that today are relics passed through the streets. The feeling was surreal.

After that, I went back further in time and came to a new series of images that flashed through my mind. This time, I fell into a damp, cold forest. Unlike the previous moment, I saw everything with my own eyes and felt the cold on my skin. I carried a giant spear in my hands and wore strange clothes, in a style that I interpreted as medieval. In this experience, I was able to see how I hunted.

War cry

I lived in a village and people revered me. He wasn’t quite a lord, but he was someone respected by the village. I understood that he was a Viking and, at a given moment, I got up in the middle of the course room and started screaming, calling for reinforcements for the battle I was facing. I even let out a war cry. When I woke up from the trance and told the group the details I could remember, everyone associated the images with the Vikings series, which I had never watched. I left the course and looked for the episodes. In fact, I recognized much of what I saw in the regression there. Even after the experience, I remain skeptical of past lives. I understand what happened as a suggestion from my unconscious. I was very impressed, yes, but I did not believe in other lives.”

Everton Mattos is 28 years old, is a hypnotherapist and claims that he has never had any similar or paranormal experience in his life other than that moment. Testimony to Leonardo Uller.

3) The spirit of a doctor saved my child in the placenta

(Mauricio Planel/)

“When I became pregnant with my son Marcelo over 20 years ago, the happy news was soon eclipsed by a difficult diagnosis. I contracted toxoplasmosis early in the pregnancy and was told right away that the fetus could be affected. The disease can seriously compromise the development of the baby and, in some cases, causes miscarriage.

So from the beginning, I had to go to the hospital for blood tests so that the doctors could know how much virus I had and assess the risks. The analyzes also tried to find out how the child was developing and, because of this exhaustive routine of care, I even found out the sex of the baby before what was normal for the time, at three months of pregnancy.

I was already familiar with the work of Doctor Hans, a spiritual doctor who incorporates mediums to carry out health treatments on the earth plane. My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, who is a medium, worked at the same spiritist center where this doctor worked. When they found out about my problem, they suggested an appointment with him.

stretcher and cotton

At the hospital, the doctors said that my son was at risk and the alerts made me more and more anxious. When the pregnancy advanced to the seventh month, I finally decided to visit the spiritist center. Inside, I was asked to lie down on a stretcher while one of the team members lay down on another. After examining me, Doctor Hans, incorporated into the medium who runs the center, said that the disease had not reached the placenta. To keep the baby safe, he ordered a blood transfusion.

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Like the service, the transfusion was also spiritual. To start it off, a nurse rubbed a piece of cotton on my arm and placed a toothpick on it. It was just a wooden implement, but it looked like it was, in fact, the needle of a syringe. Four mediums stayed in the room receiving the spiritual doctors while the other woman and I stayed in bed. On that other plane, she was donating her healthy blood to me. The entire procedure must have taken about half an hour. I felt something different in my body, like someone was moving it.

negative virus

I returned to the center once more and repeated the blood transfusion treatment at the request of Doctor Hans. After that, when I went back to the hospital for my routine tests, the doctors were amazed at the result. My blood did not contain any trace of the toxoplasmosis virus and the baby was perfect in the womb. Today, my son Marcelo is 21 years old and healthy, without any kind of problem.”

Iara Tavares is 46 years old, is a housewife and, in addition to this, has undergone other spiritual treatments that she considers successful. Testimony to Leonardo Uller.

4) I returned to a past life in the shoes of a woman

(Mauricio Planel/)

“I know the techniques that are used to induce the hypnotic trance because I work with them. In addition to applying them to clients, I’ve been to the other end of the process many times, and in six of them I’ve visited past lives. One in particular was more intense than all the others. It was at the house of a friend, a professional like me, who took me through the process.

Sitting in his armchair, I realized that something was pulling me down and weighing down my whole body. Despite being strong, the weight was pleasant. Soon I found myself in a corridor with countless doors, each one with access to a previous life of mine. I opened one of them and saw nothing. It was all very dark and I could feel my presence in the place. In a few seconds, somehow, I knew it wasn’t Igor anymore.

Nice to meet you, Ana

When I finally understood that I was in someone else’s body, I had clarity of the situation. My hypnotist friend asked questions and I answered them. I can’t say how, but I just knew the answers. My name was Ana and I was around 30 years old. She lived on a farm or farm and was happy, life had been good for me until that moment. I understood that because of the flashes that appeared in my mind and showed me different moments of my trajectory as Ana. It was a safe and correct life.

Then tranquility gave way to anguish, which soon became despair. I remember starting to cry without even knowing why, he was just sure he was sad. After a while, I realized that I was looking at a boy, he was my son and he was lying on a bed, very sick. A doctor was at our house and told me that he was going to die soon, that night would not pass. At that moment, I felt that I had lost control of my life and that it was the first time that I, as Ana, had felt this way.

back to the present

After that, I began to see the deathbed scene with external eyes. He had become Igor again and he no longer felt sadness. I stopped crying and became an observer. I saw Ana’s life and the fact that her son was going to die. I concluded that, in my current life, the issue is not about losing someone dear. May be…